Tuesday, June 28, 2016

NXT - September Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Jack Swagger

Match 2. The Vaudevillains vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Paige vs. Cameron

Match 4. Hideo Itami vs. Baron Corbin
Itami wrestled around Corbin early, but Baron landed a big back body drop and took control. Hideo sent Corbin to the outside and connected with a dive through the ropes. He then hit a full nelson suplex. After a couple of roll up attempts, Itami pulled one off and got the win.

Hideo would not let up. He kept the pressure on Corbin and it paid off.

Match 5. Randy Orton and Cesaro vs. Kevin Owens and Rusev
Will Owens cash in on Orton?  Cesaro landed a straightjacket powerbomb. He then hit Owens with the Neutralizer, but got a near fall. Owens kicked out of an RKO. Rusev caught Cesaro with a super kick off the ropes. Cesaro hit Owens with an uppercut, but Owens grabbed the ropes. Orton busted Rusev open with a DDT. Owens hit Orton with a package powerbomb to win.

Is that what we're going to see in a few weeks? Owens is building momentum.

Main Event. Daniel Bryan vs. Apollo Crews Samoa Joe
Samoa Joe attacked Crews and made his way to the ring. Bryan left the ring and they began fighting on the outside. In the ring, Joe hit his three modified German suplexes. Bryan came back with his kicks. Joe connected with a diving elbow through the ropes. He then hit 3 more Germans. After a Yes Lock attempt and diving elbow, Bryan won with a high angle back suplex.

After the match, these two kept fighting before Bryan threw Joe out of the ring.

These two are going to war. Bryan is not going to back down from Samoa Joe.

Recap: Another good week for NXT. Owens and Rusev are staking claims at an NXT title shot. Bryan took down the monster.

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