Wednesday, June 15, 2016

NXT - August Week 3, Year 2

SummerSlam is two weeks away. There are big things coming in the horizon.

Match 1. Apollo Crews vs. Braun Strowman vs. Cesaro
This is going to be a test of strength. Cesaro hit Crews with a springboard uppercut. Crews somehow lifted Braun and hit him with a piledriver. Cesaro caught Strowman with a lifting uppercut. Crews hit Cesaro with a spine buster. Crews pulled out a bat, but Braun kicked it away. Strowman locked both men in a bear hug. He later powerbombed Cesaro and pinned Crews after a side flapjack.

Great triple threat match. Strowman defeated two top stars.

Match 2. Round 2 - The Club vs. The Wyatt Family
The winners face TM61. The Wyatts wore Gallows down on the outside. Harper hit Anderson with a couple of back suplexes. Anderson drove Rowan face-first into the turnbuckle. He later hit a German suplex and face buster. They Wyatts then hit Anderson with the 3D to advance.

Once Anderson came in, the Wyatts had this match won.

Match 3. Natalya vs. Alexa Bliss
Bliss targeted the head of Nattie with multiple kicks. Nattie hit a delayed suplex. Bliss connected with a super back suplex. Alexa caught Nattie with a falling boot to the face. She then finished up with the Sparkle Splash.

Another good win for Bliss as she continues her way up the rankings.

Match 4. Tyson Kidd and Bo Dallas vs. X-Pac and Billy Gunn

Match 5. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin

Main Event. Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe

Recap: The Wyatt Family was impressive this week. They could make a push for all of the gold.

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