Wednesday, June 8, 2016

NXT - August Week 1, Year 2

NXT has come to terms with the release of Ricky Steamboat, Jake Roberts and Randy Savage.

Match 1. Round 1 - New Age Outlaws vs. The Bullet Club
Two dynamic teams here. Gallows landed a pump handle slam and a big powerbomb. Road Dogg landed a delayed suplex. Anderson hit his own suplex and heel kick. Gallows pinned Dogg, but he grabbed the ropes and the ref saw it this time. The Club hit the Magic Killer Anderson connected with the Shining Wizard and got the win.

Nice win from Gallows and Anderson. They will face The Wyatts in Round 2.

Match 2. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango

Match 3. Natalya vs. Alexa Bliss
I believe this is Bliss' first match. Natty came out with a front suplex and slam early. Bliss came back with a tornado DDT and dropkick. She then sent Natty to the outside and landed a big springboard splash. After Eat Defeat and a monkey flip, Alexa won with the Sparkle Splash.

Impressive win from the newcomer. Bliss handled the veteran with ease.

Match 4. Round 2 - Enzo and Cass vs. Lucha Dragons
The second round of the tournament kicks off.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Randy Orton

Main Event. Daniel Bryan vs. Samoa Joe
Joe had Bryan in an arm lock and then slammed him down. After another arm bar, Joe sent Bryan to the outside. Bryan countered and tossed Joe into the steel steps. He later hit a back suplex and his running forearm. Joe kicked out and hit the Muscle Buster, but Bryan kicked out. Bryan locked in the Yes Lock, but couldn't make Joe tap. Joe landed the Cimera-plex. Bryan hit a springboard leg drop and the Yes kicks. He hit a super front suplex. He later landed a back suplex and won.

Joe took a lot of damage to the back of the head and that final suplex did him in. Great match.

Recap: The first round is complete and we already have a second-round match in the books. Bliss picks up a nice win and Bryan is on the road to regaining the NXT title.

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