Wednesday, June 15, 2016

WWE - August Week 3, Year 2

The biggest party of the summer is just 2 weeks away.

Match 1. The Shield vs. The New Day
Dean and Xavier started the match. Dean was able to break free and tag in Reigns. Big E slammed Reigns down. He then tossed Rollins around. Kofi hit Rollins with the Boom Drop. Rollins came back with the roll through heel kick and the Curb Stomp, but Woods broke up the pin and chaos ensued. The ref could not regain control and threw the match out.

That was a disappointing finish to an otherwise good match.

Match 2. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H
This is a big test for both men. Michaels was tossing H all over the ring early. Michaels left the ring and took apart the announce table. After a back suplex, he placed H on the table and landed a huge moonsault from the top rope! H apparently didn't feel a thing as he landed a high knee seconds later. HBK hit the Sweet Chin Music and won.

Wow. I was thinking that Trips would pull out the win. I can't believe Michaels went to that level.

Match 3. Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio

Match 4. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
Breeze finally gets a win against Neville.

Match 5. Ultimate Warrior vs. Kevin Nash

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
Rock was out-wrestling Angle. He took him down with a dragon screw and suplex. Angle came back with 3 German suplexes. He then hit an overhead belly-to-belly and a back breaker. Rock locked in the Sharpshooter. After a minute on the outside, Rock connected with the Rock Bottom and won.

The champ defeated his challenger. Will this throw off Angle's confidence?

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Nation

Match 2. R-Truth vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3. Dallas Page vs. Shane McMahon

Recap: The Shield and New Day couldn't control themselves. Michaels put his former friend through a table and Rock proved why he is the champ. Good week for some.

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