Wednesday, June 15, 2016

WWE - August Week 4, Year 2

This is WWE's go-home to SummerSlam. Things are about to heat up.

Match 1. R-Truth vs. Adam Rose vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Dolph Ziggler vs. Kane
Kane landed a clothesline and back suplex. He then locked in a camel clutch. Ziggler sent Kane into the corner and hit a tornado DDT. Kane hit a side slam and a falling powerbomb. Ziggler got a near fall after his own back suplex. Kane caught Ziggler in mid-air and landed a chokeslam to win.

Kane's been on a bit of a roll in recent weeks. He'll be tough to stop.

Match 3. Charlotte vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. The Undertaker vs. Tyler Breeze
Wow. Who did Breeze piss off? Breeze went to the outside to catch his breath, but Taker was there. Breeze took Taker down with a neck breaker and heel kick. Taker fired back with some strikes and a chokeslam, but Breeze grabbed the rope. Taker leg droped Breeze across the apron. Breeze somehow kicked out of the Last Ride. After busting Breeze open, Taker hit another chokeslam to win.

Taker completely destroyed Breeze. Will he recover in time to face Neville?

Match 5. Sheamus vs. Batista

Main Event. Kurt Angle and The Rock vs. The Usos
Days before they face off, Angle and Rock team up. How long will it last? Rock and Angle were already arguing as they decided who started the match. Angle took care of both Usos in the first few minutes. Rock hit Jey with a superplex. He then locked Jimmy in the Sharpshooter. The Usos got some offense in, but Angle hit Jey with the Angle Slam. The match spilled to the outside. Jimmy kicked out of a Rock Bottom. He then won with the People's Elbow.

Looks like Angle and Rock worked well tonight. In 3 days, things will be a lot different.

Match 1. Curtis Axel vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. The Usos vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 3. Christian vs. Fandango

Recap: Angle and Rock will clash at SummerSlam. Will Alberto Del Rio make his name known? 

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