Friday, June 3, 2016

NXT - July Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. Brian Pillman vs. Billy Gunn vs. Shane McMahon

Match 2. Round 1 - Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas vs. The Revival

Match 3. Round 1 - The Dudleyz vs. Bad Influence
Daniels took Bubba down with an STO and a spine buster. He then hit a diving leg drop. D-Von came in and hit a back suplex and gutwrench slam. The Dudleyz then had their way with Kazarian. They landed an assisted DDT. Daniels came back and hit a second-rope back breaker and chokeslam. D-Von grabbed the rope, but the ref didn't see it and counted the 3.

Oh man. The ref blew this call. The Dudleyz should not be eliminated. Bad Influence moves on.

Match 4. Tyson Kidd vs. Hideo Itami
Hideo landed multiple kicks to the back and head. He landed a back suplex, but Kidd moved out of the way of a double foot stomp. He did hit a hesitation dropkick. Itami landed a sit-out superplex. Kidd kicked out of a flurry of strikes. Itami followed it up with the GTS and won.

Very impressive win for Itami. He may be in line for a US title shot by pinning the champ.

Match 5. Round 1 - Beer Money vs. Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano
WOW! Gargano quickly sent Roode to the outside. Roode recovered and got the better of Ciampa. Storm turned Ciampa inside out with a clothesline. Gargano planted Storm with a DDT. Roode got a near fall after a spine buster and Roode Bomb. Roode kicked out of a buckle bomb/heel kick combo. Ciampa then hit a powerbomb into a back stabber to win.

Both of these teams need to join NXT now. What a finish. Ciampa is very impressive.

Main Event. Edge vs. Randy Orton

Recap: Two great tag matches. The Beer Money vs. Ciampa/Gargano match was amazing. There's a bright future with both teams. 

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