Wednesday, June 8, 2016

WWE - August Week 1, Year 2

The highway to SummerSlam begins this week.

Match 1. Kane vs. Jericho vs. The Miz vs. Ziggler
The winner could be in line for an IC title shot. Kane took out Miz, but Miz battled Kane on the ramp. Jericho got a near fall after a northern lights suplex. He then locked in the Walls, but Kane broke it up. Miz DDT'd Ziggler on the apron. Miz landed a diving elbow and almost won with his feet on the ropes. Kane chokeslammed Ziggler and got the win.

I was interested to see if Kane would use the weapon. A nice win for the Big, Red Machine.

Match 2. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. The Nation

Match 3. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
With Bulldog out, Neville looks to revive his singles career. Neville sent Breeze to the outside, but Tyler fought back. Breeze hit a bulldog and hurricanrana. After a dropkick to the head, Neville landed a perfect moonsault. He then won with the Red Arrow.

His single run is getting off to a nice start.

Match 4. Kevin Nash vs. Sheamus vs. JBL

Match 5. Warrior vs. Rikishi

Main Event. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle
Angle's on the rise, especially after defeating John Cena. Two big names facing off. Rock landed an overhead belly-to-belly. Angle focused on the left leg. He then hit the three German suplexes. He continued with a side slam and the Angle Lock. Rock tried his hand at a submission and locked Angle in the Sharpshooter. Angle threw Rock into the steps. Rock came back with the Rock Bottom, but got a near fall. After more suplexes, Angle hit the Angle Slam and won.

Angle pinned the champ. His incredible run continues. Title shot coming soon?

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Cameron

Match 2. Round 2 - The Revival vs. Kaz and Daniels
Before the match, The Dudleyz attacked Kaz and Daniels. I guess this is payback from them stealing the win in round 1... 

Match 3. Fandango vs. Curtis Axel vs. JBL

Recap: Wow. The Dudleyz could not let the loss go. Angle pins the champ and is likely the new No. 1 contender. No Shield or Triple H this week.

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