Sunday, June 12, 2016

WWE - August Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Booker T vs. Rikishi

Match 2. Adam Rose vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Tyler Breeze vs. Neville
Neville sent Breeze to the outside and landed some kicks. He then hit an uncharacteristic cutter. Breeze took him down with a hurricanrana and began his turn on offense. Neville hit a reverse hurricanrana, planting Breeze on his head. Breeze pulled out a baseball bat and hit Neville, causing the disqualification.

Breeze was looking to maim Neville. What a vicious shot with the bat. Neville gets the win, however.

Match 4. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. The Nation
Ryback and Henry lose again...

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Kane
The match was underway for about 10 seconds before Kane sent Punk flying over the top. He later hit two knee smashes and a back suplex. Punk made a comeback with a the running knee/bulldog and the GTS and got the win.

Kane was in control for most of the match. Punk targeted the head and knocked him out with the GTS.

Main Event. Kurt Angle vs. Alberto Del Rio
The No. 1 contender and the former champ. The Rock walked down and took a seat next to the announcers. ADR overpowered Angle early, shoving him into the corner. He then hit an overhead belly-to-belly. Angle shook off the kicks and connected with 3 German suplexes. Angle threw ADR into the corner and went after The Rock. Del Rio attacked Angle from behind. After escaping the Angle Lock, Del Rio planted Angle on his head and got the win.

Angle seemed distracted with Rock at ringside. Del Rio is still due a rematch.

Match 1. X-Pac vs. Fandango

Match 2. The Usos vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Damien Sandow vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: Big week for Alberto Del Rio. With SummerSlam just weeks away, he is making his claim for another title shot.

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