Friday, June 3, 2016

WWE - July Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. The Shield vs. Batista, Kevin Nash and Alberto Del Rio
What a weird team to face The Shield. Nash hit Ambrose with a big boot. Nash worked over Reigns, too. Big Dave took out Rollins with a spine buster. Reigns caught Del Rio with the Superman punch and spear, but got a near fall. Batista hit Ambrose with a spear. Rollins hit Batista with a super kick and Nash with the Skywalker. Nash kicked out of the Pedigree. The match broke down and all six men fought. Batista blocked the Superman punch and hit the Batista Bomb to get the win.

After the match, Triple H's music hit. He's back! He grabbed a mic and said, "Rollins, at Vengeance, I destroy what I made" and walked away. Rollins turned around and received a spear from Batista.

Wow. That's how you open a show. Triple H's return shakes the core of SmackDown.

Match 2. Xavier Woods vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Adam Rose vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Vader vs. Warrior vs. Kane vs. Big Show
This is a big man's match. Show sent Kane to the outside and then DDT'd him onto a chair. Kane landed a few chair shots and went after Warrior. Vader and Warrior battled in the corner. Kane hit Show with a side slam. They went to the ouside as Kane landed a chokeslam and won.

A quick 4-way. Kane manhandled the other three "monsters."

Match 5. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho
This should be fun. After some moments wrestling around, Punk landed a quick sit-out powerbomb. Jericho came back with a powerbomb and a diving elbow. Punk connected with the running knee and bulldog. He then hit a super German suplex. He hit his own diving elbow and a tornado DDT through the turnpost. Jericho tossed Punk up and hit the Codebreaker, but got a near fall. Punk won after a second diving elbow.

After the match, Mark Henry appeared. He and Punk almost came to blows, but officials broke them up.

Jericho almost stole one with the Codebreaker. Punk sent a message to Henry.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Cena attacked Angle before the match in revenge.

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Rick Rude

Match 2. The Usos vs. Wyatt Family
This is not part of the tournament.

Match 3. Fandango vs. Jack Swagger

Recap: This week was highlighted by the return of Triple H. Is he ready for Seth Rollins and The Shield or is it Game Over?

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