Monday, June 27, 2016

WWE - September Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Neville vs. Big Show
This is a big miss-match. Tyler Breeze attacked Neville from behind, as if Big Show needed an advantage. Show then left the ring and beat down Neville some more. Neville came back as he hit a tornado DDT and some kicks. Show hit the Final Cut and WMD and won.

After the match, Breeze walked back and took a selfie with an unconscious Neville.

Neville doesn't lose anything in defeat because of the pre-match attack.

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. The Usos
The Dudleyz were drafted from NXT to SmackDown. Big get for them. Jey hit a front suplex and Rikishi Driver. He later hit Bubba with a hip attack in the corner. The Usos then landed an assisted diving splash from the top. D-Von landed a diving headbutt and then all four men fought. D-Von hit a super fall away slam. The Dudleyz hit Jey with the 3D and won.

A great tag match. The Dudleyz pick up a big win in their first match on SmackDown.

Match 3. Kane vs. Booker T

Match 4. John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio was in control early. He hit a back suplex and double foot stomp. Cena made a comeback with a sit-out powerbomb and 5 Knuckle Shuffle. During the match, Brock Lesnar ran down and hit both men with a steal chair.

What?! The Beast is on SmackDown? This is insane. 

Match 5. Kevin Nash vs. Dean Ambrose

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Anti-authority vs. The Industry leader. Punk hit a body slam and a double underhook back breaker. Trips landed a superplex. After a corner clothesline, H hit his spine buster and the Pedigree, which busted Punk open, but did not go for a pin. Punk came back and hit a tornado DDT through the post. He hit a piledriver and huge moonsault before winning with the GTS.

Wow. Trips busted Punk open, but he couldn't get the win. This could be the final fight for The Industry.

Match 1. The Usos vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 2. William Regal vs. Fandango

Match 3. Jack Swagger vs. Wade Barrett vs. Dallas Page

Recap: What a first week for SmackDown. The Dudleyz win their first match, Lesnar destroyed both Cena and Del Rio and CM Punk is putting together the coffin for The Industry.

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