Sunday, June 5, 2016


There is a lot of revenge to be dished out tonight.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Nikki Bella - WWE Divas Championship
Nikki landed a power slam and snap suplex. Fox hit a big boot and a sit-out reverse face buster. Nikki got a near fall after the Bella Buster. Fox landed a rolling leg drop and kicked out of a second Bella Buster. After kicking out of a back suplex, Nikki hit a Rack Attack. She won with a discus elbow.

Nikki had to hit her finish multiple times in order to pin the champ. She's back on top.

Match 2. Booker T vs. Ryback - WWE Intercontinental Championship
Ryback caught him with a spine buster. Booker came back with a shuffle side kick and back breaker. He connected with the scissors kick, but got a near fall. Booker hit the spine buster. He connected with the clothesline, but Booker reached the ropes. Booker kicked out of a Shell Shock. Ryback no-sold a spine buster. Booker retained after a second scissors kick.

Match 3. CM Punk vs. Mark Henry
Henry overpowered Punk early. Punk landed a tornado hangman over the top, but missed a springboard elbow. Punk was able to come back and hit the running knee/bulldog combo. Henry did kick out of the GTS. Henry sent Punk to the outside. Punk hit a second GTS, but got a near fall. Punk then locked in a dragon sleeper to win.

Henry couldn't get much going. Punk takes down the World's Strongest Man.

Match 4. The New Day vs. The United Kingdom - WWE Tag Team Championship
Big E stomped and clotheslined Bulldog. He caught Neville with a super fall away slam. New Day double teamed Bulldog. Big E landed the big splash, but Neville broke up the pin. He then hit the Big Ending and got the win.

Bulldog was carried away, holding his side. Maybe broken ribs?

A quick, easy win for The New Day. What is next for the United Kingdom?

Match 5. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Angle pushed Cena into the corner and quickly went for the leg. Angle then sent him to the outside. He then hit three German suplexes. Cena got a near fall after the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He hit the AA, but Angle kicked out again. Angle hit three more Germans and an Angle Slam, but got a two count. He hit a second finisher, but Cena kicked out. Cena kicked out of another 3 more Germans. This man is superhuman. Angle kicked out of a second AA. Angle won after a third Angle Slam.

After the match, Cena pointed to Angle as if to say he wasn't done with him.

This match was amazing. Neither man wanted to give up. Angle pulled out one last finishing move.

Match 6. Last Man Standing - Seth Rollins vs. Triple H
This is it. Trips was slamming Rollins early. Seth took the match to the outside. After a lot of back and forth, Rollins pulled out a chair and hit H. He then hit a super kick and elbow dropped Trips through the announce table! H got up at the count of 8. came back and busted Rollins open with a knee smash. He then hit the spine buster and Pedigree. Rollins got up at 9. Rollins hit the Buckle Bomb and Pedigree to win.

Good luck to the main event. Rollins defeats Triple H. Both men are going to need stitches.

Main Event. Alberto Del Rio vs. The Rock - WWE World Championship
This is a good first test for Del Rio. Rock gets a rare title opportunity. Del Rio worked over his left arm. Rock sent ADR shoulder-first into the steel post. He later hit a Samoan drop and a nice fisherman suplex. He then locked in the Sharpshooter. Rock got a close call with a roll up. Rock shook off a kick to the head and hit the Rock Bottom, but Del Rio kicked out. He immediately followed it up with a second one and won.

Wow. The Rock is once again the WWE champion. Finally.... I was not expecting that ending.

Recap: This was not a good night for The Industry. Is it on its way down? The Rock is back on top.

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