Monday, June 20, 2016


Here we go. The beginning of a new era...

Match 1. Nikki Bella vs. Charlotte w/ Ric Flair - WWE Divas Championship
I believe this is the first time Flair is in his daughter's corner. Nikki hit Charlotte with a snap slam and falling knee. She countered a back suplex and hit the Bella Buster. Flair got up on the apron and for the distraction. Nikki hit the Rack Attack. Flair threw a chair into the ring. Charlotte hit Nikki with a fallaway slam onto the chair. Charlotte won after a heel kick and gutwrench slam.

Charlotte is champion again. She's going to be the top woman for a while.

Match 2. Finals - Enzo and Cass vs. The Wyatt Family
Harper hit a big boot and gator roll on Enzo. Cass suplexed Rowan with ease. He missed a boot and Rowan clotheslined him from behind. Harper caught Enzo with a sit-out powerbomb. Cass kicked out of the 3D. Moments later, the Wyatts connected with a second one and pinned Cass.

The Wyatts defeated Enzo and Cass and earned an NXT tag title match. Enzo and Cass had a good run.

Match 3. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
Neville hit a full nelson suplex. Breeze came back with a heel kick and mounted punches. He continued with a suplex and the Supermodel Kick, but Neville kicked out. Neville caught Breeze as he was going for the Beauty Shot and slammed him down. Neville landed a dive through the ropes. Breeze connected with another super kick, but got a near fall. He busted him open with a Beauty Shot and won.

After the match, Breeze continued the attack and stomped on Neville some more.

Breeze pulled out everything he had. He showed a more vicious side to him. I like it.

Match 4. The Rock vs. Kurt Angle vs. Alberto Del Rio - WWE Championship
Rock and Angle double teamed Del Rio. Angle pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Rock multiple times. He then hit three German suplexes. Del Rio hit Rock with a jumping arm breaker. Angle landed three more Germans. Rock took out Angle and planted ADR with a DDT. Angle took Del Rio out with two Angle Slams. Rock sent Angle to the outside and hit Del Rio with the Rock Bottom to retain.

There were a lot of finishers. All three men had opportunities to win the title, but Rock had his eye on the prize.

Match 5. Tyson Kidd vs. Cesaro - NXT United States Championship
I could watch these two fight every night. They went back and forth early. Cesaro landed two snake eyes. Kidd hit a back breaker and locked in Code Blue. Cesaro kicked Kidd in the side of the head. He then swung Kidd eight times and got the win.

I feel like this match was just getting started, and then it ended. Cesaro wins back the US title.

Match 6. Samoa Joe vs. Daniel Bryan
Neither man got the upper hand as they wrestled back and forth. Joe caught Bryan with a one-arm slam. Bryan connected with his Yes Kicks. Joe hit a combination of strikes and a jumping knee. Bryan hit a double underhook slam and thought he got the three count. Joe easily escaped the Yes Lock and locked in the Coquina Clutch. Bryan escaped and locked the Yes Lock in again, but to no avail. Joe caught Bryan with a super Samoan drop to win.

After the match, Joe slammed Bryan down one more time before leaving.

Joe wasn't happy with getting the win. He needed to send a message.

Main Event. Rusev vs. Randy Orton - NXT Championship
Will Orton end Rusev's reign as champion? Rusev countered a back suplex and heatbutted Orton. The two battled with a kendo stick. Orton got the upper hand and worked over Rusev. He then hit the RKO and got the win.

WOW! Orton is the new NXT champion. Rusev had a decent run, but probably not how he wanted to go out.

Recap: What a show! Rock retains, Orton is back on top and Cesaro defeated Kidd again. This is just the beginning.

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