Friday, July 1, 2016

WWE - September Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Christian vs. Rhyno vs. The Miz
Rhyno hit Miz with a full nelson back breaker. Miz brought in a chair, and he and Rhyno hit Christian multiple times with it. Rhyno spiked Miz with a piledriver. Miz hit Rhyno with a headlock driver and the Skull Crushing Finale. He then busted Christian open. Christian slammed Rhyno onto the chair. Miz took out Christian and pinned Rhyno to win.

A good triple threat match with Miz staking his claim in the upper midcard.

Match 2. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. The New Day

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tyler Breeze
Neville walked down and sat at ringside. Ziggler connected with a snap DDT and a reverse t-bone suplex. Breeze kicked out of a super kick. Ziggler sent him to the outside and hit the Famouser. After busting Tyler open, Dolph hit the Heartstopper elbow drops. Breeze made a comeback, but became distracted by Neville. Ziggler attacked him from behind and won with the Zig Zag.

Ziggler took advantage of the distraction and got a big win.

Match 4. Kane vs. Damien Sandow

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Alberto Del Rio
Del Rio is trying to get revenge from last week. Lesnar came out firing. He landed a fall away slam and strikes before sending Del Rio to the outside. After four German suplexes, he locked in a dragon sleeper for about 20 seconds. Del Rio landed a powerbomb, but Lesnar came right back with the F5 and got a near fall. Lesnar hit one last German suplex and won.

Wow. Lesnar just destroyed Del Rio. Brock is someone you do not want to mess with.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Triple H
Punk does it again.

Match 1. Bo Dallas vs. Fandango

Match 2. The Usos vs. Gold and Stardust

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. R-Truth

Recap: The Industry gets two much-needed wins, but Trips loses again. Brock is a beast.

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