Wednesday, June 15, 2016

NXT - August Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. Curtis Axel vs. Zack Ryder vs. Jack Swagger

Match 2. Round 3 - TM61 vs. The Wyatt Family
The Wyatts were just too powerful for the Australian team.

Match 3. Natalya vs. Alexa Bliss

Match 4. Tyson Kidd vs. Rusev
Rusev just ran over Kidd, but he came back with a dropkick. Rusev propped Kidd up on the top and hit a super Samoan drop. He later hit a release German suplex. He continued with one-arm slam and a falling headbutt. Kidd had Rusev on the outside and landed a diving moonsault from the top! A frustrated Kidd walked up the ramp and was counted out.

That was interesting. I guess Kidd had nothing left to dish out.

Match 5. Round 3 - Enzo and Cass vs. The Revival
The winners face the Wyatts at SummerSlam. Dawson was going after the head/neck area of his opponents. Enzo and Dash traded neck breakers. Enzo landed a dropkick and a flying cross body. Dash grabbed the rope as the ref counted, but the ref didn't see it and counted the three.

Wow. Another disputed finish. Enzo and Cass move to the finals.

Main Event. Samoa Joe vs. Bray Wyatt
Two similar competitors. They were suplexing each other. Bray blocked Joe and hit a diving dropkick. Joe hit a back suplex and locked in an arm bar. The match spilled to the outside as Joe drove Bray through the announce table. Bray came back with a slam and Sister Abigail, but got a two count. Joe hit the Chimera-plex with a bridge to win.

After the match, Daniel Bryan walked out and Joe immediately went after him. Officials ran out and separated the two.

Nice win for Joe. Bray almost had it. Bryan and Joe are going to war on Sunday.

Recap: Enzo/Cass vs. The Wyatt Family in the tournament finals. Who will challenge NXT champion Rusev at SummerSlam?

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