Friday, April 29, 2016

WWE - May Week 4, Year 2

WWE Fully Loaded is this Sunday. I want to see how the event shapes up after this week.

Match 1. Gold and Stardust vs. The Nation

Match 2. Ryback and Mark Henry vs. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose

Match 3. Xavier Woods vs. Damien Sandow

Match 4. Kurt Angle vs. Sheamus vs. Big Show
Angle bit off a little more than he could chew by targeting both men at the same time. He hit Sheamus with three German suplexes. He then went after Big Show while Sheamus grabbed a chair. Sheamus hit Angle in the back and head with the chair. He then hit White Noise. Show took out Angle. Sheamus hit Show with the Brogue Kick and almost won. Show speared Sheamus and left the ring. Angle hit Sheamus with the chair and stole the win.

That was a great triple threat match. All three men want in the WWE title picture, and Angle took the first step.

Match 5. Triple H vs. The Rock
H took Rock down with a clothesline and back suplex. Rocky caught him with a Samoan drop. There were then some back and forth pins. Rock hit another Samoan drop. After a DDT, he locked in the Sharpshooter. Trips pulled out the Pedigree from nowhere, but Rock kicked out. Rock connected with a diving cross body and won with the Rock Bottom.

Trips going into the PPV with a loss doesn't look good. Can he shake it off and focus on his defense?

Main Event. CM Punk vs. JBL
JBL attacked Punk from behind with a chair on the ramp. JBL then tossed Punk into the ring. Punk tried fighting back, but JBL cut him off and hit a powerbomb. Punk took JBL down with a leg scissors STO. He went for the running knee, but JBL blocked it and locked in a Boston Crab. Punk landed a moonsault and tornado DDT through the steel post. JBL came back and won with another powerbomb.

After the match, JBL continued hit Punk with a chair.

JBL is a despicable human being. He cheap attacked Punk and then continued after the match.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Charlotte

Match 2. R-Truth vs. X-Pac

Match 3. Shane McMahon vs. Xaiver Woods vs. Wade Barrett vs. Fandango

Recap: This was an amazing go-home show. The champ is in jeopardy, JBL destroyed Punk and the tag division is flipped upside down.

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