Tuesday, April 5, 2016

NXT - April Week 2, Year 2

Some of the new guys make their NXT debut here.

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Bam Bam is looking to restart his career in NXT. Bam Bam later landed a back suplex. Zayn came back with the Blue Thunder Bomb. Bam Bam splashed Zayn in the corner and hit an ax handle. He then hit a huge splash and got a near fall. Zayn kicked out of a powerbomb and diving headbutt. Zayn kicked out of another powerbomb and hit a second Blue Thunder Bomb to win.

Zayn is a mainstay on NXT. Bam Bam is a legend. Something had to give.

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Paige vs. Summer Rae

Match 4. Cesaro vs. Shamrock vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Brian Pillman
Shamrock's got some big wins in recent weeks. Cesaro and Shamrock fought on the outside. Kidd hit Pillman with a back suplex and neck breaker. Pillman hit a head scissors and tornado DDT. Cesaro hit Ken with a huge uppercut. Pillman hit Kidd with a dive through the ropes. Ken landed a release German suplex on Cesaro. Cesaro hit Kidd with a butterfly slam and three gutwrench slams and won.

The US champ proves why he is the champ. He's got some challengers though.

Match 5. Randy Orton vs. Hideo Itami
After the match, Edge and Orton attacked each other.

Main Event. Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan vs. Kevin Owens and Baron Corbin
Owens quickly sent Austin to the outside. He threw him into the post and hit a German suplex. He later hit a spinning side slam. Corbin hit Bryan with a power slam. Austin countered a German suplex and hit the Lou Thesz Press. He then hit the Stunner, but got a 2 count. Bryan landed a dropkick and the Yes Kicks. He locked in the Yes Lock, but Owens reached the ropes. Corbin caught Austin with the End of Days, but Bryan broke it up. Austin came back and hit Owens with the bionic elbow to win.

Great tag match. Austin is the man on NXT now, ready to open a can of whoop ass.

Recap: It was a good second week. Some of the new guys had a nice showing.

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