Sunday, April 10, 2016

WWE - April Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Gold and Stardust vs. The Nation

Match 2. Mark Henry and Ryback vs. The New Day
Ryback hit a Thesz Press. Kofi came back with an uppercut. Ryback and Henry hit E with a double gut buster. Big E came back and hit Henry with the Big Ending, but got a near fall. Kofi then hit the Boom Drop. Ryback hit Kofi with the backpack stunner and meat hook clothesline. Ryback hit Kofi with a second meat hook and won with Shell Shock.

The Industry still looks strong, even without any titles.

Match 3. R-Truth vs. Damien Sandow vs. Adam Rose

Match 4. Dolph Ziggler vs. Rikishi
Ziggler took Kishi down with a jumping jaw breaker. Ziggler continued with knees to the gut and a standing dropkick. Rikishi hit a one-arm slam and a leg drop. Ziggler rolled away and locked in a sleeper hold before getting the win.

Maybe Ziggler will have more success on SmackDown than on NXT.

Match 5. CM Punk vs. JBL
Punk hit a northern lights suplex and a dropkick. JBL sent him to the outside. Punk locked in a couple of different sleeper holds. He then hit a super belly-to-back suplex and springboard elbow. He continued with the running knee and bulldog. He busted JBL open with a GTS, but JBL kicked out. JBL came back with a neck breaker and Clothesline from Hell, but Punk kicked out. Punk made his comeback and rolled JBL up to win.

Punk makes it 2-0 against JBL. He's made a statement so far.

Main Event. The Rock vs. Big Show


Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Xavier Woods

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 3. Fandango vs. Braun Strowman vs. Vader

Recap: Ziggler and CM Punk look good so far. Where has Triple H been? Does he get his rematch at the PPV?

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