Sunday, April 24, 2016

NXT - May Week 2, Year 2

NXT does not have an event until June for Money in the Bank.

Match 1. Brian Pillman vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. Enzo and Big Cass

Match 3. American Alpha vs. The Ascension

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Zayn took Bam Bam down a couple of times with dropkicks. Bigelow landed a huge powerslam. After another dropkick, he hit a huge senton splash. He then picked Bam Bam up for the Blue Thunder Bomb. Bam Bam hit a super butterfly suplex and a diving headbutt. Sami came back with a over-the-tope dive and a diving splash to win.

Match 5. Apollo Crews vs. Samoa Joe vs. Brock Lesnar
Oh wow. Joe hit Crews with the Buckle Bomb. Crews came back with three powerbombs. Lesnar hit Crews with three powerbombs of his own. Lesnar hit Joe with an F5. Crews hit Lesnar with a spinning sit-out powerbomb. Joe hit Crews with three different suplexes and hit Lesnar with the Muscle Buster. Joe hit Crews with his finisher a little later. Joe was busted open somehow. Lesnar hit Crews with an F5. Joe brought in a sledgehammer. Lesnar took out both men and pinned Joe to win.

Great triple threat match. Lesnar dominated the new guys. They have a lot to learn.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Edge
This is a non-title rematch. What kind of revenge does Edge have planned? Edge ducked a clothesline and got another near fall after a reverse falling neck breaker. Edge later hit an Impaler DDT and the spear. Edge busted Orton open with another face buster and hit a spear, but Orton kicked out. Edge targeted the back of Randy's head before winning with a third sit-out face buster.

Orton landed some moves, but this was all Edge. He wants the NXT title back.

Recap: Great show. Three really good matches. We have a lot of time before the next big event.

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