Friday, April 22, 2016

NXT TakeOver: Dallas, Year 2

There are a lot of big names on the NXT roster left off this card. Balor, Owens, Wyatt, Lesnar, Austin, Sting... I could keep going.

Match 1. Enzo and Cass vs. The Dudleyz
Cass and Bubba started the match. All four men traded big attacks, trying to get the upper hand. Enzo got the first near fall after a crossbody on D-Von. D-Von hit a headbutt and flapjack. He then spiked Enzo on his head with a piledriver to win.

Wow. I was expecting a more competitive match.

Match 2. Baron Corbin vs. Apollo Crews
This is, I believe, Crews' second match in NXT. On the outside, Crews rolled Corbin and picked him up for a powerbomb. He then hit a tilt-a-whirl slam. Crews blocked a punch and hit a jumping piledriver. He continued with three powerbombs. Corbin landed the End of Days, but Crews kicked out. Crews hit a press slam and standing moonsault. He then hit a standing Shooting Star Press to win.

Nice showing for Crews on the big stage. He took down a top guy in Corbin.

Match 3. American Alpha vs. Lucha Dragons - NXT Tag Team Championship
Kalisto took Gable down with a hurricanrana. Gable slammed Sin Cara down and tagged in Jordan. Sin Cara came back with a double underhook back breaker. Jordan hit Kalisto with two back suplexes. The Dragons hit Gable with a diving elbow/powerbomb combo. Things broke down and the champs landed stereo suplexes. Kalisto hit Gable with a 450 from across the ring! Gable recovered and hit a German suplex with a bridge to win.

There were a few spots where the Dragons could have won. American Alpha are simply the best.

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Bam Bam caught Zayn off the ropes with a Samoan drop, Zayn took him down with a dropkick. Bigelow landed a huge suplex and another Samoan drop. Sami made another comeback and locked in the Koji clutch. Bam Bam squashed Sami in the corner and tossed him around. He then hit a diving headbutt, but Sami kicked out. Sami battled through and hit the Exploder suplex to win.

After the match, Bam Bam went to attack Sami but Zayn ducked and threw him out.

Sami has a lot of heart. He took down a monster of a man in Bam Bam.

Match 5. Cesaro vs. Tyson Kidd - NXT United States Championship
Kidd had the upperhand on Cesaro in the early going. Cesaro sent Kidd to the outside and hit a German suplex. Kidd landed a pump handle gut buster. Cesaro came back with a gutwrench slam and a huge uppercut to retain his title.

This is definitely the end of the feud. Cesaro won handedly.

Match 6. Samoa Joe vs. Daniel Bryan
This is a dream match. Bryan had Joe in an arm lock and then locked in a reverse sleeper hold. He continued with a knee to the gut and soccer kick. After a back suplex, Bryan connected with kicks to the chest and head. Bryan rolled out of a hammerlock and had Joe in the Yes Lock. He then hit a diving headbutt. Joe fought back with a back suplex and running senton. Joe placed Bryan on the top, but he blocked him and locked in the Yes Lock a third time. He then hit an airplane spin and won.

What?! Bryan wanted to make Joe tap, but he never did. Bryan gets a nice win.

Main Event. Last Man Standing - Edge vs. Randy Orton - NXT Championship
Orton landed a snap slam and then focused on the neck and head of Edge. Edge countered and landed a diving clothesline. He then pulled out a table. Orton took it away and hit Edge in the gut. Orton kept going with a t-bone suplex onto the table, but Edge kept getting up. Edge set the table up in the corner and then hit a tornado DDT. Orton came back with a back breaker and spinning back suplex. Edge could not respond to the 10 count.

That's not how I thougt the match would end. I was hoping the table would be more of a factor. Congrats to Orton, though.

Recap: What a show. Only one title change, but the matches were amazing. We're turning a page here in NXT.

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