Tuesday, April 26, 2016

WWE - May Week 2, Year 2

Match 1. Warrior vs. Rikishi

Match 2. Booker vs. Christian vs. Damien Sandow vs. Ric Flair
Sandow caught Christian with a big boot. Booker and Flair fought on the outside. Booker pulled out a baseball bat. Christian landed a tornado DDT. Back in the ring, Booker hit Christian with a spine buster. Christian kicked out of a headlock driver and won with the Killswitch on Sandow.

Match 3. Charlotte vs. Brie Bella w/ Nikki Bella
Both women are chasing Fox and her Divas title. Charlotte hit a spine buster and a big boot off the ropes. Brie landed some punches, but Charlotte came right back with snake eyes and a back suplex. Brie locked in a single-leg crab and then DDT'd her on the apron. Charlotte locked in the Figure Four and won with the spear.

Match 4. Goldust w/ Stardust vs. D'Lo Brown w/ Kama Mustafa
The Nation attacked The Brotherhood after the match.

Match 5. Reigns and Ambrose vs. Henry and Ryback
Ryback hit a press slam and body splash early. Reigns tagged in Ambrose, but Henry came in and landed a big headbutt. The Industry wore down both Reigns and Ambrose. Reigns came back and hit Henry with the Superman punch. He then connected with the spear, but Ryback broke it up and hell broke loose. After a double Irish whip, Reigns speared Ryback and got the win.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. JBL
Punk gets yet another win over the self-proclamined Wrestling God.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Cameron

Match 2. Dolph Ziggler vs. Wade Barrett

Match 3.Fandango vs. Rusev vs. Vader

Recap: A big week for the good guys. The Shield and CM Punk pick up some nice wins. Christian wants back in the US title hunt.

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