Sunday, April 10, 2016

NXT - April Week 3, Year 2

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Zayn picks up another victory.

Match 2. Tyson Kidd vs. Jack Swagger

Match 3. Tamina vs. Paige vs. Asuka
Tamina had Asuka on her shoulders. Asuka countered and hit a hurricanrana. Paige missed a missile dropkick. Asuka hit Tamina with her kicks to the chest. Paige hit Asuka with the Paige Turner. Asuka hit Paige with a dive through the ropes. Tamina hit Paige with two slams. Asuka kicked out of the Ram-Paige. Asuka caught Paige off the rope with a super kick and won.

Paige had it, but she took one too many risks and the champ took advantage.

Match 4. The Wyatt Family vs. Billy Gunn, X-Pac ansd Zack Ryder
Whew. What a beating.

Match 5. Apollo Crews vs. Bo Dallas
Whoa! Another big debut. Crews has been a big name on the Indys. Crews came out with two clotheslines and then taunted with some pushups. Bo locked in a sleeper. Crews came back with a back suplex and senton splash. He then hit 3 powerbombs and a standing moonsault, but Dallas kicked out. A little later, he hit a second moonsault and sit-out powerbomb to win.

Crews was impressive. He's going to be a big star in NXT.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Edge Kevin Owens
Edge came out holding his arm. Kevin Owens walked out, the two shook hands and Owens entered the ring. Wow. Is the injury real or is Edge afraid? Orton focused on the head and neck. Owens connected with a package neck breaker. Ouch. Owens kicked out of an RKO. He then hit a cannonball splash and buckle bomb. Orton blocked the pop-up powerbomb and hit a second RKO to win.

After the match, Edge ran down and hit Orton with the NXT title.

Edge definitely won the first battle. How does Owens play into this?

Recap: The ball is rolling. There are new Superstars debuting and the current ones are planting their flag.

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