Saturday, April 2, 2016

NXT - April Week 1, Year 2

In this new year of Universe Mode, I'm going to separate NXT and WWE into two separate posts. It'll help me stay organized and publish content more often. Also, it'll also you to follow your favorite brand.

Match 1. Hideo Itami vs. Rusev
Hideo went for a German suplex, but Rusev blocked it. He came back with a tornado hangman over the top. He hit a back suplx on the apron moments later. Itami then hit a hurricanrana on the steel ramp. Rusev missed a kick, but he hit a super belly-to-back suplex. Hideo came back and landed one of his own. Minutes later, Hideo landed a super front suplex and some kicks. Rusev got a near fall after a pump handle neck breaker. He finally connected with his side kick to win.

Great opening match. Rusev is still the MITB holder. When will he cash it in?

Match 2. Elimination - Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha
After some back and forth, AA got the upperhand on Kalisto. Jordan countered a hurricanrana into a powerbomb. Sin Cara landed a nice back suplex. Jordan eliminated Sin Cara after a German suplex and spinning back suplex. Kalisto hit Jordan with a rolling heel kick and Salida del Sol, but Gable broke up the pin. Gable came in and hit a huge German suplex before winning with a northern lights suplex.

The champs look strong. They work so well together.

Match 3. Emma vs. Asuka vs. Paige
Three very talented women. Asuka pulled out a bat and cracked Emma over the head and back. Emma came back and hit Asuka with the Emma-mite sandwich. Paige came in and hit Emma with the Paige Turner. She then hit Ram-Paige, but Asuka broke it up. Asuka locked Paige in the Asuka Lock. Paige then grabbed a chair and hit Emma. Jeez. Emma took out Paige and Asuka hit Emma with her spin kick to win.

Asuka dominated in her first match since winning back the title. Who's next?

Match 4. Jack Swagger vs. Curtis Axel

Match 5. Braun Stroman vs. X-Pac

Main Event. Brock Lesnar vs. Ken Shamrock
The former champ is likely not happy.

Recap: This was a good first show for Year 2. None of the new Superstars appeared, but they will.

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