Friday, April 29, 2016

NXT - May Week 4, Year 2

Match 1. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow
Bam Bam shoved Zayn down and then landed a German suplex. Zayn lifted Bam Bam up for a reverse DDT. Bigelow deadlifted Zayn for a powerbomb. Zayn came back with the Blue Thunder Bomb, but got a near fall. Zayn landed a tornado DDT through the post. Bam Bam came back with a powerbomb and diving splash. After some back and forth, Zayn won with the Helluva Kick.

What a match! Bam Bam tossed Zayn around, but Sami fought back and pulled out the win.

Match 2. Tyson Kidd vs. William Regal

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. The Vaudevillains

Match 4. Braun Strowman vs. Shane McMahon

Match 5. Finn Balor and Hideo Itami vs. Kevin Owens and Baron Corbin
This is a star-studded match. We haven't seen Hideo in a while. Corbin hit Balor with a spine buster. Balor took Owens down with the Pele kick. He later connected with the shotgun dropkick and a sit-out powerbomb. Owens came back with the pop-up powerbomb. Balor hit Corbin with a reverse Bloody Sunday. Itami busted Owens open. Balor then rolled Corbin up to win.

Interesting tag match. I was expecting a big finish, but surprise win works too.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Edge
Orton hit a big back suplex. Edge tried fighting back, but Orton halted it with another back suplex. He continued to target Edge's neck. Orton caught Edge off the ropes with a snap slam. Edge hit two running forearms and a sit-out neck breaker. Edge then slammed Orton's head into the mat and bustef him open. Edge hit the Edge-cution, but got a near fall. Orton countered the spear into a DDT. He then hit his second-rope DDT and the RKO, but Edge kicked out! Orton immediately hit a second RKO and won.

Great main event. Orton was in control early, but Edge made it a fight. The Viper struck one time too many. I guess after this feud, we'll never see Rated-RKO.

Recap: This was a great show. Sami Zayn showed a lot of heart. The second tag match was fun.

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