Friday, April 22, 2016

WWE May Week 1, Year 2

The three members of The Shield are in three separate matches.

Match 1. Kane vs. Roman Reigns

Match 2. Gold and Stardust vs. The Nation
The brotherhood continues their winning streak. 

Match 3. Dean Ambrose vs. Ryback
Ryback hit an overhead belly-to-belly and spine buster. Ambrose came back with a hip toss and powerbomb. Ryback hit a press slam and the Shell Shock, but Dean kicked out. Ryback then went to the top and landed a diving elbow smash. Ambrose landed a snap DDT and locked in the Regal Stretch before getting the win.

Impressive win for Ambrose. He's due a title match soon.

Match 4. Ultimate Warrior vs. Damien Sandow

Match 5. Batista vs. Undertaker vs. Seth Rollins
What a trio. This is a test for Rollins to get back in the title hunt. Rollins hit Taker with a full nelson suplex. Batista pulled out a chair and hit Rollins. Taker sent Rollins to the outside and landed multiple strikes. Rollins hit Batista with the Buckle Bomb. Taker chokeslammed Rollins. Rollins busted Batista open with the Pedigree. He then took him out with a super back suplex. Taker grabbed Rollins and connected with the Tombstone to win.

Taker picked his spots and took advantage. Rollins has a lot of competition to go through.

Main Event. CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho
JBL attacked Punk from behind. Jericho landed a suplex and then threw Punk into the ring. Punk popped up and slammed Jericho down. Chris landed a snap slam and diving moonsault. Jericho locked in the Walls and hit the Codebreaker, but Punk kicked out. Punk came back with the GTS, but got a near fall. He hit a second one minutes later. He then went to the top, but Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker on the way down to win,

Great match, despite the pre-match attack. Jericho was a little heelish in this match...

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Emma vs. Tamina vs. Summer Rae

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. Fandango

Match 3. Shane McMahon vs. Cesaro vs. Wade Barrett

Recap: The Shield went 2-1 in their matches this week. Triple H wants to dismantle them. He knows there is power with numbers. We have 3 more weeks until the next WWE pay-per-view.

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