Sunday, April 17, 2016

NXT - May Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. William Regal vs. Shane McMahon

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Elimination - Lucha Dragons vs. American Alpha
This should be an exciting match.Sin Cara landed two German suplexes. Kalisto broke away from Jordan and Sin Cara hit a sit-out powebomb. He got a couple of near falls. Kalisto hit Jordan with a top-rope wristlock takedown and Salida Del Sol to eliminate him. Later, he hit Gable with the same takedown and roll through heel kick. The Dragons then hit a double powerbomb to win.

The Dragons got the clean sweep. Can we see a title match between these two?

Match 4. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Bret Hart
Bam Bam went to attack Bret after the match, but Sami Zayn made the save.

Match 5. Edge vs. Randy Orton
Will Edge swerve us again? Nope. He started the match. Edge got a near fall after the Edge-cution. He then tossed Orton up and speared him on the way down, but Orton kicked out. Orton tossed Edge up and connected with the RKO. Edge was able to kick out, which shocked Orton, Edge busted Orton open. Orton countered the spear, but Edge came back and connected with it, but got a two count. Orton connected with a DDT and stomped all over Edge to win.

After the match, Edge went to attack Orton but Randy tossed Edge out and celebrated.

Main Event. Cesaro and Sami Zayn vs. Tyson Kidd and ?????
Who could possibly team up with Kidd? It's...Samoa Joe!!! Oh my! Kidd hit Cesaro with a half-and-half suplex, flipping neck breaker and a diving elbow. After an STO to Zayn, Kidd tagged in Joe. Joe tossed Zayn around a bit. Zayn landed his own half-and-half and a senton splash. He then hit the Blue Thunder Bomb, but got a near fall. Joe landed three suplexes and the Muscle Buster on Cesaro, but got a near fall. Kidd came in and suplexed Cesaro before getting the win.

Joe did a lot of the work, but Kidd scored the pin. He is in line for another US title shot.

Recap: Great go-home show for NXT. Joe making his debut. Where does he fit in? Orton/Edge, Cesaro/Kidd and Lucha Dragons/American Alpha. Looks good so far.

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