Thursday, April 14, 2016


This is a really good card.

Match 1. Gold and Stardust vs. The Nation
D'Lo hit Goldust with an STF and sit-out powerbomb. Stardust took down Kama with a snap DDT. Goldy came back and hit a back suplex. Moments later, he connected with a super back suplex. Goldust landed the Curtain Call and Golden Age on D'Lo, but got a near fall. Stardust wore down Kama and won with a super back suplex and diving leg drop.

The brotherhood is strong. They could be the next No. 1 contenders.

Match 2. Extreme Rules - Nikki Bella vs. Naomi vs. Alicia Fox - WWE Divas Championship
These women...get extreme! Nikki left the ring and pulled out a sledgehammer. She hit Alicia in the back. Naomi hit Alicia with a sit-out full nelson bomb. Nikki then hit Naomi with the Bella Buster and got a near fall. Alicia threw Nikki out of the ring and all hell broke loose. Back in the ring, Alicia hit Naomi with a sit-out powerbomb onto the sledgehammer to get the win.

What?! Alicia gets the win, but didn't pin the champ. I was not expecting that.

Match 3. The New Day vs. The Usos - WWE Tag Team Championship
Big E slammed Jimmy down and tossed him to the outside. Jey came in and landed a big headbutt from the top. He then connected with a super kick to Kofi, Jey slammed Kofi down and then Jimmy hit a top rope splash. Jimmy hit a sit-out driver, similar to his father. Kofi recovered from a super kick and hit the Boom Drop. Jimmy hit Big E with a 450 splash to the outside! Big E kept Jimmy on the outside and forced the count out.

Wow. The New Day took the underhanded route to retain the titles.

Match 4. CM Punk vs JBL
JBL hit a hip toss and spine buster. Punk came back with a piledriver. He continued wearing JBL down. He connected with the running knee and bulldog. JBL kicked out and focused on the neck of Punk. He hit two neck breakers and a snapmare. Punk shook off the attack and landed a diving elbow. He later locked in the Anaconda Vice. After some kicks, he hit the GTS and won.

After the match, JBL went to attack Punk, but Punk ducked and tossed JBL out of the ring.

JBL had the advantage early, but Punk cranked it up and got the win. Watch out.

Match 5. Tyler Breeze vs. Booker T - WWE Intercontinental Championship
Both men went for a pin early. Booker threw Breeze into the steel post a couple of times. He then connected with a spine buster. Breeze landed a hurricanrana and hit Booker with the steps. Booker popped up and hit the Book End for a near fall. He later hit a discus elbow and spine buster before winning with a second Book End.

Booker is once again the IC champion. They barely fought in the ring. Breeze should get a rematch.

Match 6. Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle
Taker hit a big boot at the opening bell. Angle landed knees to the gut. Taker recovered and lifted Angle up with one hand for a chokeslam. He then hit the Tombstone, but Angle had his foot on the ropes. Angle connected with three German suplexes. He later twisted Taker's ankle between the ropes. Taker came back with Old School and a Tombstone, but Angle kicked out. After a string of moves that ended with a leg drop, Taker hit the Last Ride and won.

Taker did not let up. If one move didn't work, he kept going. Is he a full-time guy or will he disappear again?

Main Event. Seth Rollins vs. Triple H - WWE World Heavyweight Championship
Rollins blocked a punch and landed a springboard knee to the head. Trips blocked a lot of attacks and hit a piledriver. Rollins came back with a superplex and got a near fall. Rollins pulled out a bat and cracked Trips over the head. H hit Rollins with the bat. Later, Rollins hit the school boy heel kick. Rollins blocked a back breaker and hit an STO. Rollins then Pedigreed H onto a chair, but H barely kicked out. Rollins went to the top and jumped, but Trips caught him with his own Pedigree to win.

Oh my God! Triple H showed Rollins why he is the master of the Pedigree. It was a good month for Rollins, but this is far from over.

Recap: Three new champions on this show. This is just the beginning for Year 2.

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