Saturday, April 2, 2016

WWE - April Week 1, Year 2

Match 1. Kane vs. Dallas Page

Match 2. Gold and Stardust vs. The Nation

Match 3. Xavier Woods vs. Rikishi

Match 4. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns vs. The New Day
Kofi landed a snap suplex. Dean countered a second one and hit a running bulldog. Big E took down Reigns with a back suplex. A little later, Reigns slammed Big E down and got a near fall. Big E blocked the Superman punch. Kofi hit Dean with a diving leg drop. Dean kicked out of the Boom Drop. The New Day hit Reigns with a super Big Ending, but Reigns kicked out. Kofi hit Dean with a monkey flip and a triple jump cross body to win.

The New Day want those tag titles back and this win is a good way to start.

Match 5. Seth Rollins vs. The Miz
Rollins hit a running neck breaker. He later hit the Skywalker, but Miz kicked out. Rollins continued with a superplex and the roll through heel kick. He sent Miz to the outside and landed a diving forearm smash. Miz somehow fought back and landed a front headlock driver. Rollins hit another roll through kick and won with the Pedigree.

Miz put up a fight, but the champ got the job done. This is the Era of Rollins.

Main Event. JBL vs. ?????
On his first night, JBL calls out any member of the SmackDown roster. Who will accept the Wrestling God's challenge? What?! It's CM Punk! Punk landed a couple of heel kicks and a double underhook back breaker. JBL fought back a bit. He connected with the Clothesline from Hell and beat down Punk on the outside. Punk made a comeback and hit the diving elbow. JBL kicked out of the GTS. He hit a second elbow drop a little later and won.

I'm still in shock! Why is CM Punk here? He ruined JBL's debut!


Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango

Match 2. The Dudleyz vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Rusev

Recap: Wow. WWE definitely topped NXT this week. Who saw CM Punk coming? This is going to be an exciting Year 2.

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