Wednesday, April 27, 2016

NXT - May Week 3, Year 2

Rusev is still looming with the MITB briefcase.

Match 1. Jack Swagger vs. Billy Gunn

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Dudleyz
Sin Cara wore down D-Von early. D-Von quickly came back with a power slam and back breaker. Bubba then had his turn. Kalisto couldn't take it and entered the ring and attacked Bubba. D-Von hit Kalisto with a spike piledriver. The Dragons hit Bubba with the powerbomb/diving elbow combo. D-Von flapjacked Kalisto onto the top rope and won.

After the match, D-Von pulled out a table and they put Kalisto through it with a 3D.

Why? That post-match attack was unnecessary. The Dudleyz couldn't just be happy with the win?

Match 3. Cesaro and Apollo Crews vs. Tyson Kidd and Samoa Joe
These four can't be separated. Kidd and Crews started. Crews tagged in Cesaro and Kidd wanted no part and tagged in Joe. Joe and Kidd hit Apollo with a snapmare/big boot combo. Joe landed a senton splash and two slams. He then forced Crews to tap with a dragon sleeper.

As long as Kidd and Joe are on the same page, Cesaro is in trouble.

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Baron Corbin
Wow. Corbin has a huge opportunity in front of him. Austin took Corbin down with a running knee and then stomped on him in the corner. Corbin then sent Austin to the outside. Austin took him down with a Lou Thesz Press and the Stunner, but Baron kicked out. Corbin came back with multiple strikes and the Falcon Arrow. They fought outside again before Corbin won with the End of Days.

Corbin has been impressive recently. He could enter the NXT title picture soon.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Edge

Recap: Another big week. There have been a lot of stars breaking out in recent weeks. And they are all gunning for the NXT title.

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