Sunday, May 1, 2016


All four titles on the line and two grudge matches should make this a fun show.

Match 1. Alicia Fox vs. Nikki Bella - WWE Divas Championship
Nikki went to clothesline Alicia, but she caught the ref instead. Fox countered the Alabama Slam and rolled Nikki up. The two went back and forth with some near falls. Nikki got another near fall after the Bella Buster. Foxy landed a rolling leg drop. Fox retained after hitting Watch Yo' Face.

A fun opening match. Fox has stepped up recently and is defending her title well.

Match 2. Extreme Rules - The United Kingdom vs. Natural Disasters
The heels sent Neville to the outside. Earthquake pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Neville. Bulldog somehow hit Typhoon with a power slam. All four men were back in the ring. Neville hit Earthquake with a cutter and Bulldog lifted Typhoon for a delayed suplex. Neville hit Earthquake multiple times with a bat. Earthquake slammed Neville, but Bulldog hit Typhoon with the running power slam to win.

Match 3. Booker T vs. Ryback - WWE Intercontinental Championship
Booker landed a flapjack at the opening bell. After a snap suplex, Ryback hit Booker with three consecutive powerbombs. Booker wore down Ryback on the outside, hoping for a countout victory. Booker landed a spine buster and the scissors kick to win.

Two straight title defenses. These new champs ain't ready to let go. Booker fought off Ryback without a problem.

Match 4. Gold and Stardust vs. The Nation
D'Lo hit Goldust with two face busters. Stardust got the upperhand for his team on Kama with a back suplex. He then hit the Disaster Kick. D'Lo was back in, but not for long. Kama hit Stardust with a step-over heel kick and then hit Goldust with a delayed brain buster to win.

The Nation have built up some momentum over the last month or so.

Match 5. The New Day vs. The Usos - WWE Tag Team Championship
Big E toyed with Jimmy in the early going. He later threw him shoulder-first into the post. Jey came in and landed a Samoan drop and reverse 450 splash. He then got a near fall after a super kick. The New Day came back with a Very Big Ending. Kofi superplexed Jimmy from the top to the outside mat. A little later, they hit the Very Big Ending on Jimmy to retain the titles.

This was a very one-sided match. The New Day continue their reign of positivity.

Match 6. CM Punk vs. JBL
This has been a blood feud between two completely different men. JBL left the ring, and Punk followed. JBL hit a side slam. Punk landed multiple strikes. Back in the ring, JBL hit a back breaker and hit a big boot. Punk hit a super belly-to-back suplex. He continued with the running knee and bulldog. Punk landed a tornado DDT through the steel post. Punk hit a diving elbow and the GTS to win.

After the match, JBL was still talking trash to Punk

JBL was in control early, but Punk fought back and pinned JBL cleanly. Time to move on. 

Main Event. Triple H vs. Seth Rollins - WWE Championship
Rollins wrestled Trips to the ground. He then hit a jumping flying knee to the head. He didn't let up with a tornado neck breaker and STO. After a stint on the outside, he hit the rolling heel kick. Triple H blocked Rollins attack and jumped off the top, but Rollins countered that and hit the Pedigree and got a close near fall. Triple H had no offense so far. Rollins hit the Skywalker and a huge 450 splash. He then finished him with a spike DDT to win back the title.

Wow! I was not expecting that as the main event. Triple H did not put up a fight. At all. Maybe the loss to Rock threw him off his game (no pun intended).

Recap: This was a great show. The world title changed hands again. Can Triple H rebound or is he going away to regroup? Is the Industry crumbling?

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