Monday, November 30, 2015

July Week 4, Year 1

Match 1. Paige and Natalya vs. Tamina and Summer Rae

Match 2. The Wyatt Family vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

Match 3. Lucha Dragons vs. The Vaudevillains
The winners could face the Wyatts for the titles. Kalisto hit Aiden with a snap DDT and then wore down Gotch with his speed. Gotch tagged in Aiden, who hit Sin Cara with a vicious powerbomb. They hit the Whirley Dervish, but Kalisto broke up the pin. Kalisto had a couple of near falls on Aiden. The Dragons landed a powerbomb/diving elbow combo to win.

Good tag team match. The crowd doesn't seem invested in either team, though.

Match 4. Braun Strowman vs. Zack Ryder

Match 5. Randy Orton vs. Edge
This is a non-title match. Orton had a big win at TakeOver and Edge defeated Bret Hart last week. Edge was aggressive early with a big boot and back breaker. The match spilled to the outside. After a sit-out powerbomb, Edge hit the Edgecution, but Orton kicked out. Back on the outside, Edge speared Orton through the barricade! Edge ran back into the ring and won by count out.

Oh my. Edge was ruthless throughout the whole match. However, he didn't pin Orton.

Match 6. Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan
There was a bit of back-and-forth action early. Bryan landed his kicks to the chest and head. He almost won with a roll up. Owens got a near fall after a package side slam. He landed a springboard moonsault and pop-up powerbomb, but Bryan kicked out. Owens escaped out of the Yes Lock and threw Bryan out again. Later, Owens escaped from another submission and landed a spinning death valley driver to win.

Match 1. Xavier Woods w/ Big E vs. R-Truth
The power of positivity.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
The calm before the storm at Battleground? Nikki clotheslined Steph and attempted to leave the match, because she doesn't need to compete, but Steph grabbed her by the hair. Steph is looking very confident in this match. She hit a spine buster, delayed suplex and the Pedigree, but Nikki kicked out. Nikki left the ring, walked up the ramp and was counted out.

The title wasn't on the line. Why would she get counted out?

Match 3. Shane McMahon vs. Adam Rose

Match 4. Elimination - Seth Rollins and Ryback vs. The Usos
Rollins and Ryback worked well wearing down Jimmy, isolating him from his partner. The Usos then had their turn on offense. Rollins hit Jey with the Pedigree, but Jimmy broke up the pin. All four men fought in the ring. The Usos eliminated Ryback with back-to-back top rope splashes. Rollins hit Jey with the Sky Walker and a second-rope senton. He even landed a standing moonsault and Pedigree, but Jimmy kept breaking up the pin. Rollins did everything he could, but was defeated.

Great match. I loved the dynamic between the two teams. The Industry may be my favorite to storyline so far.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Kane

Match 6. John Cena and Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H and Batista
This is huge. How many allies does Triple H have? Batista landed vicious kicks to the chest of HBK. Cena came in and took out Batista with a shoulder tackles and a 5 Knuckle Shuffle. He then hit H with the AA, but he kicked out. Michaels missed a plancha on Triple H. Cena hit Batista with a running sit-out powerbomb. Michaels and Triple H fought on the outside. Cena finished the match with an AA on Batista.

Fun main event. Cena is the champ for a reason.

Recap: Is the Industry falling apart as quickly as it came together? NXT is still putting on amazing matches, but the gap is closing.

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