Sunday, November 8, 2015

May Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. 4-Way - Shamrock vs. Billy Gunn vs. William Regal vs. Damien Sandow
Sandow and Gunn were on the outside. Shamrock hit Regal with a hurricanrana, left the ring and grabbed a chair. All four men were then on the outside. They finally went back into the ring. Shamrock won with a sleeper hold on a bloody Billy Gunn.

The midcard is deep on NXT.

Match 2. Elimination - The Vaudevillains vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 3. Paige vs. Tamina

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Hideo Itami vs. Rusev

Match 5. Dolph Ziggler and Bo Dallas vs. Finn Balor and Brock Lesnar
Whoa! Can these teams coexist? Balor caught Bo with a Complete Shot at the opening bell. Lesnar and Ziggler fought on the outside. Lesnar hit Ziggler with a German suplex. Suplex City! He later caught Zigs off the ropes with a powerslam. He came back with the Heartstopper elbows. Bo won with a judo throw on Lesnar.

Bo just keeps winning. Lesnar is not going to be happy tomorrow.

Match 6. Edge vs. Daniel Bryan
Bryan hit a snap DDT and countered a flapjack into an airplane spin. Bryan got another counter and landed his signature kicks. He locked in the Yes Lock, but Edge broke free. Edge hit the Edge-O-Matic. Bryan caught Edge off the top into a powerslam. Edge landed a second DDT, busting Bryan open and won with a spear.

Match 1. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Diamond Dallas Page vs. Savio Vega

Match 2. Neville vs. Mark Henry
This is going to be a big challenge for Neville. Neville took him down with a hurricanrana. Henry took control with multiple kicks and a back suplex. Neville landed a standing corkscrew splash. He went for the Red Arrow, but Henry caught him in the World's Strongest Slam and won.

Nice finish. Another member to the Hall of Pain.

Match 3. The Usos vs. Rikishi and Haku
Father vs. sons. Father knows best.

Match 4. Ric Flair vs. Christian

Match 5. Ryback vs. Ultimate Warrior
Why is Triple H at ringside? Warrior hit a shoulder breaker and power slam. He countered a slam and landed a military press. Triple H jumped onto the apron and distracted Warrior. Ryback took advantage and hit three powerbombs and the meat hook clothesline. Warrior hit his finish, but H distracted the ref. Despite that, Warrior hit a second body splash and got the win.

What is Triple H's association with Ryback?

Match 6. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins
Seth left the ring and pulled out a kendo stick. He then grabbed a table, but was unable to use it. Cena hit the AA on the outside, but Seth kicked out. Cena kicked out of the Pedigree. Rollins went to the top, landed a 450 splash to Cena on the outside and he still kicked out. Super Cena! Seth hit a third Pedigree, but Cena kicked out again. He hit yet another Pedigree and won.

God damn! What a match. Cena would not give up.

Recap: The NXT tag match was good. Edge and Bryan showed us a glimpse of what they can do. Seth Rollins did everything he could to beat Cena.

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