Wednesday, November 4, 2015

April Week 4, Year 1

Match 1. Billy Gunn vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma vs. Brie Bella vs. Natalya
Emma caught Natty with a flapjack as Paige and Brie fought on the outside. Emma connected with a springboard bulldog. Paige swung Brie into the barricade. Paige hit Emma with a supercanrana. Natty hit Emma with a super back suplex and got a near fall. Emma slammed Brie down and won with her feet on the ropes.

Emma did what she needed to do to get the win. Can't be mad.

Match 3. Elimination - Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart vs. Wyatt Family
I believe this is the first sighting for these two teams. Hart hit Harper with a second-rope tornado DDT. The Anvil came in and landed a double underhook slam on Harper. Harper and Rowan hit Bret with a 3D...interesting. Harper then hit Bret with a sit-out face buster and eliminated Bret. A little while later, Harper slammed Jim face first and won.

Harper and Rowan dominated this match. Plain and simple.

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Jack Swagger

Match 5. Finn Balor vs. Randy Orton

Match 6. Falls Count Anywhere - Brock Lesnar vs. Dolph Ziggler
Lesnar landed an overhead suplex and went for a weapon, but Ziggler cut him off. He was able to pull out a table. Uh oh. He hit Ziggler multiple times. Ziggler grabbed the steps and hit Lesnar in the face. Lesnar came back with three German suplexes. Ziggler hit the Famouser, but Lesnar seemed unphased. Lesnar blocked a finisher and hit three powerbombs onto the table to win.

I honestly thought Ziggler was going to win, but Lesnar is the beast for a reason.

Match 1. Bam Bam Bigelow vs. British Bulldog vs. Shane McMahon
Shane grabbed a bat as Bulldog and Bam Bam fought each other. Shane hit them both and began his turn on offense. The match then spilled to the outside. Back in the ring, Bam Bam took control. After fending off both Shane and Bulldog, Bam Bam hit Bulldog with a top rope splash and won.

Great match. Bam Bam is a force to reckoned with on Superstars.

Match 2. Elimination - Prime Time Players vs. The Usos

Match 3. Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry

Match 4. The New Day vs. Gold and Stardust 

Match 5. The Miz vs. Shawn Michaels
Miz gave HBK a cheap shot before the bell rang. He then DDT'd him on the apron. Michaels made his comeback with a flying forearm, atomic drop, body slam and ended it with a diving elbow. Miz ducked the Sweet Chin Music and hit the Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Miz did it! He got a win over Shawn Michaels. This match was all Miz from bell to bell.

Match 6. The Undertaker vs. Batista
Batista countered a slam and hit a release German suplex. That's a first. He later hit a rolling senton. Taker hit a corner splash, snake eyes, running boot and leg drop back-to-back. He then hit the chokeslam, but got a two count. Batista landed a huge Batista Bomb, but Taker kicked out. WOW. Taker landed the Tombstone, but Batista grabbed the bottom rope. After a spear and second Batista Bomb, he won with a spine buster.

Great match. Great win. Batista is still a monster.

Recap: There were some great matches this week. Extreme Rules is next. We will determine Superstars' champions.

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