Thursday, November 26, 2015

July Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Billy Gunn

Match 2. Elimination - Wyatt Family vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady
Wow. Enzo and Cass finally win.

Match 3. Paige vs. Summer Rae
Paige landed a back body drop. Summer countered a suplex and locked in a sleeper hold. She blocked a punch and hit Summer Crush, but Paige kicked out. Paige landed a sit-out powerbomb and the Ram-Paige, but Summer kicked out. Paige finished her off with the Paige Turner.

Good match. Summer showed a lot of heart against the Women's champion.

Match 4. Kidd and Cesaro vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 5. Cactus Jack and Sting vs. Baron Corbin and Bray Wyatt
What a cast of characters in this match. Corbin and Wyatt wore down Sting in the early going. Sting got separation and tagged in Cactus. Sting hit Corbin with a Samoan drop and two atomic drops. Wyatt hit Jack with a running senton and then busted him open with a knee to the face. Cactus kicked out of Sister Abigail. Sting hit Corbin with the Stinger Splash, but got a 2 count. Cactus interfered and the ref called for the DQ.

Wow. Cactus did not leave the ring before the 5 count. A win's a win, though.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Owens vs. The Rock
Oh my God! There was a glitch early that made it look like Rock suplexed Vacant. Rock and Owens were wearing down The Beast. They each had their own pin attempt. It didn't last long, though. Brock had Rock in the Brock Lock. Someone brought in a chair. Brock hit 3 German suplexes on Rock. Rock hit Brock with the People's Elbow. Lesnar came back with a huge F5. Lesnar took out Owens with 3 powerbombs. Rock then hit Lesnar with a Rock Bottom and won.

NXT put on another great show. The triple threat was amazing. I would love to see it for the title next time.

Match 1. Dean Ambrose vs. Batista
The Lunatic Fringe vs. The Animal. Batista hit a tilt-a-whirl side slam and deadlifting powerbomb. Dean came back with a bulldog and spine buster. Batista landed his own spine buster. Dean ducked a punch and hit Dirty Deeds, but Batista kicked out. Batista hit a spear, but Dean kicked out. Batista took Dean down and locked in a modified chicken wing to win.

The Animal hs expanded his arsenal in his later years. Surprised he pulled out a submission.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
Despite the loss, McMahon was named the No. 1 Contender to Nikki's title.

Match 3. Savio Vega vs. R-Truth

Match 4. Sheamus and Neville vs. The Miz and Big Show
Show-Miz reunite for one night only. I think Sheamus wants to lose as he tagged in Neville to face Big Show. Miz countered the rolling senton and hit a back suplex before tagging in Big Show. Neville took down Show with an enziguiri. Neville hit Miz with a reverse 450 splash! What?! Show came in and connected with the WMD on Sheamus to win.

Maybe Show-Miz should reunite permanently. As for Sheamus and Neville, maybe once is enough.

Match 5. Chris Jericho vs. Mark Henry

Match 6. John Cena vs. Ryback and Seth Rollins
Man, Triple H wants to destroy Cena. Cena took advantage of a weaker Rollins with the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA, but Rollins kicked out. Ryback landed a huge powerbomb. Cena recovered hit a second 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but Rollins blocked the AA attempt. Ryback hit Shell Shock, but Cena kicked out. Rollins busted Cena open with the Pedigree. Cena caught Ryback and Rollins with AAs. Cena accidentally took out the ref. Ryback landed a top-rope splash. A while later, Rollins connected with a super kick and got the win.

The Industry came out on top tonight. Cena will not give up, though.

Recap: After looking at the rosters, and with no plan to expand to a third roster, I will be adding a minor show to the lineup, It will begin after SummerSlam. Next up, TakeOver: Unstoppable.

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