Friday, November 13, 2015


WWF Superstars' second PPV. Let's see how this one goes.

Match 1. Ryback vs. Ultimate Warrior - Intercontinental Championship
Warrior defeated Ryback a couple of weeks ago. Can he do it again? Warrior tried getting on offense, but Ryback kept countering everything. He then landed a huge powerbomb. Warrior kicked out of Shell Shock. Warrior hit the press slam and running splash, but Rybac kicked out at the last second. Warrior hit back-to-back press slams. Ryback broke free and hit the Shell Shock to retain.

What an opening match. Warrior did everything he could, but it wasn't enough. I can't wait for the rematch.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Naomi - Divas Championship
Nikki landed a suplex and then a sit-out face buster, but Naomi kicked out. Naomi landed a springboard cross body splash. Nikki kicked out of the Rear View. Nikki kicked out of a split-legged moonsault and head scissors DDT. Nikki retained after hitting Naomi with a forearm smash.

Decent match that picked up towards the end. Who's next for Nikki?

Match 3. Prime Time Players vs. The Usos - WWF Tag Team Championship
I still can't tell the Usos apart. Titus hit Jimmy with a big boot and full nelson slam. Darren came in, but Jimmy hit a corkscrew splash and tagged in Jey. Darren kicked out of a super kick from Jey. The Usos then connected with a double suplex. Choas ensued as all four men battled in the ring. Jey superplexed Titus from the top to the outside floor! Titus and Darren hit Jimmy with a back breaker/diving elbow combo to win.

Wow. These two teams pulled out all of the stops. I thought the Usos had it. Good match.

Match 4. Neville vs. The Miz vs. British Bulldog vs. Rick Rude
The winner could easily be the No. 1 contender for the IC title. Rude wore down Neville on the outside in the early going. Miz pulled out a sledgehammer, but Bulldog took it away. Miz hit the front headlock driver. Bulldog was on offense, but Miz ducked a punch and hit the Skull Crushing Finale to win.

Miz took advantage of Neville and Rude fighting on the outside. Ryback vs. Miz?

Match 5. Mark Henry vs. Sheamus
This is going to be a brawl. Sheamus connected with a headbutt and then lifted Henry up from the ground and suplexed him. They then to the outside and fought near the announce table. Back in the ring, Henry landed a slam and headbutts, shades of the Junkyard Dog. Henry then hit the World's Strongest Slam to win.

Match 6. Triple H vs. Stone Cold
Two of the best. Triple H hit a knee smash and a spike piledriver. Austin came back with the Lou Thesz Press and punches. He continued with a clothesline and Stunner, but H kicked out. Austin left the ring, but Triple H threw Austin into the apron multiple times. Back in the ring, Austin stomped on H and hit a second Thesz Press to win.

A little underwhelming finish. I hope this isn't the last we see of these two.

Main Event. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins - World Heavyweight Championship
After some back-and-forth action, Cena built momentum with a flipping sunset powerbomb and inverted DDT. Rollins created separation and grabbed a chair. Cena pulled it away and hit a back suplex. Cena then hit the AA, but Rollins kicked out. Rollins connected with a superkick and Pedigree, but Cena kicked out twice. Rollins went for the chair, but Cena blocked it. He hit a 5 Knuckle Shuffle and an AA onto the chair to retain.

Good finishing sequence. I wanted to see Rollins at least connect with the chair.

Recap: There were some good title matches. Who's next for John Cena? The tag match might be match of the night.

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