Saturday, November 21, 2015

June Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Randy Orton vs. Jack Swagger
Early appearance for the NXT champion.

Match 2. Natalya vs. Emma
Emma landed a bulldog and suplex. Nattie connected with a discus elbow. Emma then hit the Dil-Emma. The match spilled to the outside. Back in the ring, Emma hit a neck breaker and a huge diving cross body. She finished Nattie off with a snap mare and running knee to the face.

Wow. Emma dominated this match. She has shown a more aggressive side recently.

Match 3. Dolph Ziggler vs. William Regal

Match 4. Sami Zayn vs. Baron Corbin
Zayn countered an arm bar and hit a dropkick. He then hit the Blue Thunder Bomb. Zayn sent Corbin to the outside and then landed his tornado DDT through the turnbuckle. Wow! Corbin took over. He landed a leg drop on the apron and then End of Days, but Zayn kicked out. Zayn tried building a comeback, but Corbin caught him with a T-bone suplex and won.

Corbin gets another win. Zayn pulled out some big moves, but Baron connected with bigger ones.

Match 5. The Wyatt Family vs. The Dudleyz

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Finn Balor
Balor hit a suplex early. Then, Brock used his strength to get back on offense. Balor sent him out of the ring, but Lesnar grabbed a chair and hit Balor over the head. He then hit 3 German suplexes and almost won. Lesnar hit the F5, but didn't go for a pin. Balor recovered and grabbed his own chair. Lesnae shook off some chair shots, hit a back suplex to win.

A brutal match I wish went another couple of minutes. Big win for Lesnar.

Match 1. Elimination - Prime Time Players vs. Rikishi and Haku
Good opportunity for Rikishi and Haku. Rikishi hit a super kick and followed it up with a leg drop on Titus. Haku hit Darren with a piledriver. Rikishi then hit a suplex, leg drop and Rikishi Driver, but Young kicked out. Rikishi hit Titus with the Rikishi Driver, Titus grabbed the rope, but the ref didn't see it and counted the 3 count. Wow. He then hit Young with the Bonzai Drop and won.

The Prime Time Players got screwed. Titus had the ropes. Controversy.

Match 2. Adam Rose vs. British Bulldog

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Alicia Fox

Match 4. Booker T vs. The Miz

Match 5. Ryback vs. Shawn Michaels
An interesting dynamic in this match. As soon as the bell rang, Ryback was all over HBK. Michaels got some separation and grabbed a bat. He hit Ryback in the throat and then connected with a moonsault. Ryback kicked out and went back on offense. He hit a press slam and a meat hook clothesline to win.

Match 6. Triple H vs. Dean Ambrose
Dean quickly threw H out of the ring. Back in the ring, Triple H hit a DDT and the spine buster. He then hit the Pedigree, but Dean kicked out. Dean tried making a comeback with a leg sweep and suplex. However, Triple H hit a second Pedigree and busted Dean open to win.

This was all Triple H. Dean came out strong, but he was shut down.

Recap: This was a great showing for The Industry with wins by Ryback and Triple H. Baron Corbin had a nice win as well.

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