Wednesday, November 4, 2015


This is the first PPV of my Universe. All four of WWF Superstars' champions will be decided tonight.

Match 1. Big Show vs. Batista
After defeating Undertaker, Batista gets to face Big Show. The two kept throwing the other out of the ring. Show connected with a headbutt and spear. He later hit the Knockout punch, but Batista kicked out. Batista fought back and hit his own spear to win.

Another impressive win for The Animal. He could be champion soon.

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Naomi - Divas Championship
Nikki was in control early with a DDT and snap suplex. Naomi threw Nikki out of the ring and into the steel steps. She later hit a springboard frog splash. She then hit the Rear View, but Nikki kicked out. Nikkie fought back and hit the sit-out face buster to win the title.

Good match. The Reign of Nikki begins.

Match 3. Booker vs. Kevin Nash vs. Brian Pillman vs. Vader
First-time appearances for some of these guys. The bell rang and Vader pulled out a sledgehammer and hit Nash. Pillman and Booker traded blows on the opposite side of the arena. Vader landed a second-rope splash and powerbomb and pinned Nash to win.

It was all Vader. The Mastadon vs. The Animal?

Match 4. The New Day vs. Prime Time Players - WWE Tag Team Championsip
Kofi missed a diving leg drop and the PTP took control. Kofi tagged in Big E, who began his offense on Young. Big E hit Titus with the Big Ending, but Darren broke up the pin. Kofi hit the Boom Drop, but Titus kicked out. Titus came back with a pump handle slam and won.

Your new tag team champions!

Match 5. The Miz vs. Shawn Michaels
Michaels ran to the ring and speared Miz before the bell rang. Miz recovered and landed a superplex. He then hit a diving elbow drop, a la HBK. Michaels threw Miz up in the air and hit the Sweet Chin Music on his way down. Oh my God! Miz hit his finisher, but HBK kicked out. Miz hit another superplex and Skull Crushing Finale to win.

The Awesome One defeats the Showstopper. I'm impressed.

Match 6. Ryback vs. Neville - Intercontinental Championship
Neville landed a Full Nelson suplex and a northern lights suplex. Ryback hit the backpack stunner and military press slam. He then landed multiple punches and a deadlifting powerbomb. Neville hit a back suplex and a senton splash. Neville kicked out of the Shellshock. He finished him off with a second meat hook clothesline and Shellshock to win.

Feed. Him. More.

Main Event. Triple H vs. John Cena - World Championship
Triple H landed a superplex. He then got a bat and hit Cena in the back. Cena took it and cracked H in the head. Cean hit H with a steel chair and busted him open. Cena came back from a spine buster and hit his top-rope leg drop. H threw Cena into the steel post and back into the ring. Cena popped up and hit the AA to win.

The Champ is Here!

Recap: Our champs are set. Some good, some bad, but all winners. Next week, we'll get new NXT champions. I actually liked the Miz/Michaels match the best.

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