Tuesday, December 1, 2015


This is a WWF-only show. Four months in the books.

Match 1. Sheamus vs. The Miz - WWF Intercontinental Championship
Miz landed a few moves and sent Sheamus to the outside. Sheamus hit White Noise and a German suplex. He continued with a super back suplex. He finished Miz off with the Celtic Cross and retained his title.

Sheamus made quick work of Miz. Who's next in line for the IC title?

Match 2. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon - WWF Divas Championship
I'm actually looking forward to this match. Steph kicked out of a super back suplex and the Bella Buster. Steph came back and hit the Pedigree, but Nikki kicked out. She hit a nice powerbomb, but got a 2 count. Steph hit a back suplex and second-rope diving elbow. Nikki countered a spine buster into a DDT. Steph landed a spike DDT. Both women made it to their feet. Nikki won with a reverse STO to retain her title.

Great match. Nikki had to hit her finisher twice and it still wasn't enough. She defeated the boss.

Match 3. Neville vs. Tyler Breeze
Neville caught Breeze off the ropes with a super kick. He later hit a German suplex and dropkick to the side of the head. He landed a shooting star press, but Breeze kicked out. Neville clotheslined Breeze out of the ring. He went for a dive, but Breeze ran in and took him down. Tyler then DDT'd Neville onto the apron. Breeze ducked a clothesline and hit the Supermodel kick, but Neville kicked out. Neville landed a superkick and springboard 450 splash to win.

Good mid-card match. Neville has a very impressive moveset, and Breeze has a nice aggressive side.

Match 4. Prime Time Players vs. The Usos - WWF Tag Team Championship
The PTP hit a back breaker/diving elbow combo. Darren landed a back stabber on Jey. They continued with a double gut buster on both Usos. Darren ducked a superkick and hit a German suplex. Jimmy landed a huge splash on Darren and Jey hit a corner splash on Titus. While on offense, Jey made the mistake and targeted Darren. This allowed Titus to hit a huge pump handle slam to retain the titles.

A good tag team title match. Nothing exciting. I'm just bored of these two teams.

Match 5. Shawn Michaels vs. Batista
Batista was toying with Michaels early. He tossed him around with ease and kicked him away. Michaels hit a piledriver and a diving elbow drop. A minute or two later, he hit another piledriver and connected with the Sweet Chin Music. It wasn't enough as Batista kicked out. Michaels hit a second superkick, but Batista kicked out before one. Michaels went to the top rope. As he jumped, Batista leapt up and speared him in mid-air. Batista hit a spine buster and Batista Bomb to win.

Great match. Michaels pulled out some big moves, but not enough to put away The Animal.

Match 6. Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins and Ryback
Rollins and Ryback beat down Reigns. Ryback landed a spine buster and Rollins hit a heel kick. Reigns got the tag to Ambrose. Rollins hit Ambrose with a super kick. Ambrose landed a bulldog and tagged in Reigns. Rollins busted Reigns open with a Pedigree. He then hit the double foot stomp off the top. Ryback landed a front suplex and knee to the head of Ambrose. Ryback kicked out of Dirty Deeds. Dean placed Ryback on the top. Ryback countered and landed a double ax handle to win.

The Industry gets a win under their belt. The summer months are heating up.

Main Event. Steel Cage - John Cena vs. Triple H - World Championship
Cena made an escape attempt early. Triple H pulled him down and hti a piledriver. Cena threw H face-first into the cage. Triple H blocked the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Cena countered the spine buster into a DDT and began to climb. Triple H must have had a concussion, but he was down long enough to let Cena escape.

Wow. That was a bummer. Maybe I don't do cage matches anymore...

Recap: Besides the main event, this was a good show. The women's match and Michaels/Batista match were very good. Who will be Cena's next challenger?

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