Monday, November 9, 2015

May Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Edge vs. Randy Savage vs. Jake Roberts

Match 2. Elimination - The Vaudevillains vs. Lucha Dragons

Match 3. Paige vs. Tamina

Match 4. Hideo Itami vs. Baron Corbin
Itami threw Corbin into the corner and left the ring. He grabbed a bat and hit Corbin in the head with it. He continued with a couple of hurricanranas and won with a GTS on the outside.

This was all Hideo. Corbin had no answer for him.

Match 5. 4-Way - Bo Dallas vs. Finn Balor vs. Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar
Non-title match. This is going to be good. Balor went after Lesnar at the beginning. Bo took Orton down with a bat and hit him in the ribs with it. Bo and Orton fought on the outside. Balor hit Lesnar with a double gut buster and a diving elbow drop. He then hit the shotgun dropkick. Balor busted Lesnar open with a double knee face buster. That might have angered the beast as he hit 3 German suplexes. Orton snuck in and hit Lesnar with an RKO, but he kicked out. Lesnar hit Orton with an F5, but Bo went over and almost got the win. Balor hit Lesnar with a diving elbow and got the win.

Great match. The top 3 contenders and the champ. Balor must be next for a title shot.

Match 6. Kevin Owens vs. Daniel Bryan
There was a lot of back-and-forth action in the early going. Bryan took Owens down with a kick to the knee and followed it up with multiple kicks to the chest and head. He then tossed Owens up and caught him in the Yes Lock on the way down. Owens went to the top and landed a senton bomb. He later hit a package neck breaker and the cannonball splash. Bryan made his comeback and landed more kicks. Owens landed a sick looking suplex, dropping Bryan on his head and neck and then hit a springboard moonsault. Bryan kicked out of the pop-up powerbomb. Bryan won after a northern lights suplex.

Wow. This is definitely a future main event for NXT. A lot of potential in this brand.

Match 1. Mark Henry vs. Ultimate Warrior

Match 2. Elimination - Prime Time Players vs. The New Day

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Layla

Match 4. Sheamus vs. Brian Pillman
I have no idea what to expect from these two. Sheamus took his turn on offense after an elbow smash and big boot. He continued with a hip throw and White Noise. Pillman landed a back suplex and a reverse DDT. Sheamus hit the Celtic Cross and won.

Good match. Nothing too extraordinary.

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Batista
The two began with a collar and elbow tie up. Weird. The match then spilled to the outside. Dean hit a front headlock driver and a diving elbow. After a headlock, Batista landed a belly-to-belly suplex and won.

Surprised Dean didn't put up more of a fight. Interesting.

Match 6. John Cena and ????? vs.Triple H and Seth Rollins
Cena lost to both of these men on Superstars. Who will be his partner to even the odds? It's...Stone Cold! H landed a back body drop and gut buster on Cena. Cena/Austin hit Rollins with a double leg sweep. Cena landed the 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA, but Rollins kicked out. Rollins hit the Pedigree, but Austin broke up the pin. Cena connected with the top-rope leg drop and a second AA to win.

Not as long as I thought it would be. It was mostly Cena/Rollins in this match.

Recap: There were a lot of one-sided matches this week. I'm still waiting on some cut scenes or rivalry development. Then again, it's still pretty early in my Universe.

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