Friday, November 27, 2015

NXT TakeOver: Unstoppable, Year 1

This is the second NXT-only event. Let's see if they can top the first one.

Match 1. Wyatt Family vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady - NXT Tag Team Championship
Wait! Who is that at ringside with the Wyatts? It's...Braun Strowman! This guy is huge. Enzo had the upper hand on Rowan, but Braun distracted him. The Wyatts took advantage. Enzo made the hot tag to Cass. Braun distracted the ref and all hell broke loose as all 4 men were in the ring. The ref had enough and ejected Braun as Cass landed a big boot on Rowan. The Wyatts hit Cass with a 3D, then Rowan landed a body splash to retain.

While he was later ejected, this Braun Strowman guy made all the difference.

Match 2. Paige vs. Brie Bella - NXT Women's Championship
Can Paige retain or will both Bellas be champions? Paige went to pick Brie up, but Brie countered and landed a nice heel kick. Paige wasn't a fan and hit one of her own. Paige hit the Paige Turner, but Brie kicked out. She then hit Ram-Paige and won.

Paige is not ready to give up her title anytime soon. Dominant title defense.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Rusev vs. Bad News Barrett vs. Hideo Itami
The future is now. Barrett worked over Zayn's back on the outside. Hideo threw Rusev shoulder first into the steel post. Barrett hit Zayn with a pump handle slam. Itami landed a tornado DDT. He then caught Rusev with the Winds of Change and the Bull Hammer to win.

Barrett dominated the whole match. NXT, I got some bad news!

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Dolph Ziggler - NXT United States Championship
This is Owens' first title defense. He hit a gut buster and second-rope senton. He later hit a buckle bomb. Kevin wants to make this quick. Ziggler blocked a kick and landed a super kick of his own. Owens blocked the Zig Zag and hit the pop-up powerbomb. Ziggler got a couple of near falls. After a third senton, Owens hit a package side slam and a pop-up powerbomb to win.

Owens will be holding that title for a long time. Ziggler tried, but Owens is good.

Match 5. Extreme Rules - Cactus Jack and Sting vs. Bray Wyatt and Baron Corbin
This time, there are no disqualifications. Cactus slammed down Bray and went for a weapon, but Bray cut him off. Sting broke free of Corbin and grabbed a chair. All four men brawled for a few minutes on the outside. Sting drove the steel steps into Corbin's back. Back in the ring, Cactus landed a running knee in the corner and rolled Corbin up to win.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Daniel Bryan vs. The Rock
The Rock was added because of his triple threat win last week. We took a trip to Suplex City early. They then brawled outside the ring. Brock hit Rock with 3 German suplexes. Bryan caught Brock with his signature kicks. Rock locked Bryan in the Sharpshooter. Brock then landed the F5 on Rock. Bryan landed a suplex on Brock, then hit Knee Plus. He then hit Rock with a northern lights suplex and got the 3 count.

Yes! Yes! Yes! What an upset (or not) win for Bryan!

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Randy Orton - NXT Championship
A rematch from Money in the Bank. Is Balor a flash in the pan or the real deal? Balor tossed Orton over the top rope to the outside. He then went to the top and landed a huge splash. Orton grabbed a chair. Balor went for a suicide dive, but Orton moved and hit Balor with the chair. Balor landed a few chair shots of his own. A little later, Balor went to the top and as he jumped, Orton popped up and hit the RKO! Finally! But Balor kicked out. Balor hit the Slingblade and shotgun dropkick. Orton rolled out of the way. He stomped all over Balor and connected with a second RKO to win back the title.

Match of the year so far. Balor had so many chances to pin Orton, but the Viper struck.

Recap: I like the team of Cactus Jack and Sting. Two old-school NWA guys. I can't think of a name, though. Owens looked good. Orton and Balor was amazing. The triple threat was good, but not great.

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