Saturday, November 28, 2015

July Week 3, Year 1

After TakeOver, I'm taking it easy on the NXT roster this week. We're going with the B-squad, like in real life.

Match 1. Billy Gunn and X-Pac vs. Damien Sandow and Curtis Axel
Axel went for a dropkick on Gunn, but Billy ducked and Axel hit the referee. Pac took Axel down with a neck breaker and then hit a side moonsault. After a back suplex from Gunn to Axel, all four men fought. Sandow and Pac went to the outside as Gunn hit the Fame Asser to win.

Match 2. Natalya vs. Tamina
Nattie is a strong woman, but Tamina was able to overpower her in the early going. She easily tossed her up in the air with wreckless abandon. Nattie slammed Tamina down a few times. She went for another one, but Tamina countered then landed a twisting leg drop. A little while later, Tamina went to the top and landed a big splash, shades of her father, to win.

Match 3. Zack Ryder vs. Fandango

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. The Ascension

Match 5. Randy Savage vs. William Regal

Match 6. Edge vs. Bret Hart
Edge caught Bret with an Electric Chair drop and flapjack. Bret tried stringing together some moves, but Edge kept cutting him off. Bret was able to kick out of the Edgecution. A frustrated Edge left the ring and tore apart the announce table. Bret almost won with a spike pildriver. Bret beat Edge down on the outside enough that he was almost counted out. Edge connected with the spear, but did not go for a pin. Moments later, Bret went to the top. As he jumped, Edge speared him and won.

That spear looked like it hurt. The Rated-R Superstar notches another big win.

Match 1. Booker T vs. Sheamus vs. The Miz
The Miz pinned the champ!

Match 2. Stephanie McMahon vs. Naomi
Before the match began, Nikki Bella made her way to the ring and sat at ringside. Let's see if she'll be a distraction. Naomi sent Steph to the outside, but she immediately went back into the ring. A little while later, Steph turned her attention to Nikki. Naomi attacked her from behind. Steph pulled out a baseball bat and hit Naomi for a DQ.

Stephanie wanted no part of Naomi, but she is definitely ready for Nikki. Naomi gets the win, though.

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Cameron

Match 4. Adam Rose vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 5. Christian and Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins and Ryback
Rollins sent Christian to the outside, which led to The Industry double teaming him. Rollins landed a heel kick and superplex. Christian created separation and tagged in Jericho. Rollins got the tag to Ryback, who went on a rampage. He busted Jericho open. Ryback hit three powerbombs and the meat hook clothesline. He went for a pin, but Jericho grabbed the ropes. Ryback landed Shell Shock and won.

The Industry is taking over SuperStars. They are a force.

Match 6. John Cena vs. Kevin Nash w/ Triple H
This doesn't look good for the champ. Nash tossed Cena out of the ring, and the fight began. Triple H even got involved a bit. Cena fought back and landed a sit-out powerbomb. Nash came back and focused on the right shoulder. Cena was going for the AA, but Triple H distracted him, which allowed Nash to get back control. Cena ducked a punch and hit the AA. Triple H pulled the ref out of the ring. Cena hit a second AA, but H distracted the ref again. It took a third AA, but Cena won.

Cena would have likely won this match earlier, but Triple H had a piece in that.

Recap: I'm upset Edge isn't a bigger part of NXT right now. Cena needs to be the one to take out The Industry. They are ruining WWF SuperStars. One more week before Battleground.

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