Wednesday, November 25, 2015


There are six title matches and the MITB ladder match. It is star-studded tonight.

Match 1. Ryback vs. Sheamus - Intercontinental Championship
The "muscle" of The Industry wants to retain his title. Sheamus had Ryback on the outside for a moment. He landed a sidewalk slam and got a near fall. Back on the outside, Sheamus landed a deadlift suplex. He hit White Noise, but Ryback hit a clothesline and spine buster. He then hit the meat hook clothesline. Ryback dodged the Brogue Kick and hit Shell Shock, but Sheamus kicked out! Sheamus caught Ryback off the ropes with an Irish Curse back breaker and won.

These two brutes had a great match. Sheamus might be on The Industry's bad side now.

Match 2. The Wyatt Family vs. The Vaudevillains - NXT Tag Team Championship
Harper hit a back breaker and his gator roll to start the match. Gotch took down Rowan and used his back to do a one-arm push up. Rowan was not happy with that. Aiden hit Harper with a reverse DDT and got a 2 count. He then hit a Complete Shot and got another 2. They hit the Whirley Dervish, but Rowan broke up the pin. The champs hit Gotch with the 3D and won.

The Vaudevillains came so close to winning the titles.

Match 3. Prime Time Players vs. The Usos - WWF Tag Team Championship
Let's see if they can top the previous match. Titus hit Jey with a squating suplex and a dead lift gut wrench slam. Jimmy slammed Titus down and Jey landed a huge splash onto him. Young and O'Neil hit Jey with a back breaker/diving elbow combo. Jey came back with two diving headbutts. Darren landed a belly-to-belly and leg drop/eblow drop combo on Jimmy to retain.

Good match, but the first one was way more exciting.

Match 4. Bo Dallas vs. Kevin Owens - United States Championship
Owens caught Bo with a sleeper suplex. Bo blocked a German suplex and sent Owens into the corner. He landed a Bo-dog and back breaker. Owens came back with some punches and a package side slam. Owens went for a senton splash, but Bo moved and hit another Bo-dog. He continued with some vicious attacks. Owens cut him off with a suplex. Both men got to their feet. Owens got the upper hand. He landed a buckle bomb and then a pop-up powerbomb to win.

Great match. Bo showed a ruthless side of himself in this match. Owens had a little more in the tank.

Match 5. John Cena vs. Seth Rollins - World Championship
Can Rollins make it 1-1 for The Industry tonight? Rollins went for the Phoenix Splash, but Cena moved out of the way. Cena wore down Rollins on the outside and then hit a snap suplex. Cena then hit a 5 Knuckle Shuffle and AA, but Rollins kicked out at 2. Rollins landed a diving cross body. Cena made his comeback and hit a second AA, but Rollins kicked out again. Rollins put Cena in the tree of woe and hit the double foot stomp. After some back-and-forth action, Cena hit his flipping sunset powerbomb and won.

Wow. Amazing match. So. Many. Finishers. Cena pulls out the victory again.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Finn Balor - NXT Championship
Will we finally see an RKO from Orton? Orton landed a back suplex and hard Irish whip. Balor came back with a northern lights suplex and dropkick to the side of Orton's head. He then hit a sit-out powerbomb and shotgun dropkick. He continued with the hesitation dropkick in the corner, but Orton was able to kick out. The match spilled to the outside when Balor took apart the announce table. Back in the ring, Balor landed a back suplex and Coup de Grace to win the NXT title.

The Demon is on top of NXT. Another great match. Maybe Orton needs to unleash the RKO.

Main Event. NXT MITB Ladder Match - Rusev vs. Zayn vs. Bryan vs. Edge vs. Itami vs. Lesnar
My money's on The Ultimate Opportunist Edge. Zayn took down Edge and grabbed a chair. He wedged it into the corner and Lesnar threw Rusev head-first into it. Lesnar hit Rusev with a super double underhook slam. Rusev came back and hit a super German suplex. Edge then went after Lesar. Not a good idea. Hideo took out Zayn and Bryan with the ladder, and then began to climb. Bryan almost had the briefcase, but Zayn stopped him. Lesnar threw in the steel steps. Rusev threw Edge out of the ring, and was the only one left. He set up a ladder and pulled down the briefcase.

That was a car crash. A lot of the match was spent outside the ring. Rusev took advantage of that.

Recap: What a great show. The World title match was amazing. Owens/Dallas was good, too. The tag matches weren't bad, either.

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