Friday, November 20, 2015

June Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Zack Ryder vs. Fandango

Match 2. Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascension

Match 3. Paige vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Elimination - The Wyatt Family vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady
Harper hit Cass with a sit-out powerbomb. Cass came back and beat down Harper before tagging in Enzo. Harper took advantage of the mismatch. Cass beat down Rowan in the corner with multiple slams. Harper and Rowan landed the 3D, but Cass kicked out. They hit a second one later and eliminated him. Good luck, Zo. Enzo busted Rowan open with a second-rope tornado DDT. He landed a huge top-rope splash. Harper came in and hit a vicious big boot to win.

Dudleyz, take notice. These boys are not your average tag team.

Match 5. Sami Zayn and Finn Balor vs. Baron Corbin and Kevin Owens
Balor hit Owens with a super reverse DDT. Corbin landed a powerbomb, but Zayn quickly took back control. He hit a delayed suplex and then the Brainbustaaaaahhhhh!!!!! (brainbuster onto the top turnbuckle). He continued with the Blue Thunder Bomb, but Corbin kicked out. Balor hit Owens with the shotgun dropkick. Balor kicked out of a second End of Days. Balor landed a heel kick and the Coup de Grace to win.

What a tag match. Either team could have won. Possible title match in the future?

Match 6. The Rock vs. Brock Lesnar
The match quickly spilled to the outside. Brock connected with about 12 straight punches. Rock then landed his own punches. Rock broke free of a dragon sleeper and connected with the Rock Bottom. Lesnar hit a fall away slam and an F5, but Rock kicked out at 2.9. Brock busted out the Brock Lock! Rock broke out of another submission and hit a second Rock Bottom to win.

Wow. Brock is on a bit of a slide. He needs to build back some momentum.

Match 1. Xavier Woods vs. R-Truth

Match 2. Brian Pillman vs. Sheamus vs. Adam Rose
This should be interesting. Pillman connected with a missile dropkick. Rose caught Sheamus with a twisting suplex. Pillman hit Sheamus with a suicide dive as Rose was taking apart the announce table. Rose took Pillman out with a dropkick. Sheamus landed the Irish Curse back breaker on Rose to win.

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Layla

Match 4. Prime Time Players vs. The New Day

Match 5. Kane vs. Stone Cold
Austin focused on the neck area of Kane. Kane landed a running face smash and then sent Austin to the outside. Kane showed some of his athleticism as he connected with an enziguiri. A bloody Austin hit the Lou Thesz Press and a Stunner, but Kane kicked out. Kane hit a sidewalk slam and won.

Wow. Nice win for the Big Red Machine. Maybe it's the old school attire.

Match 6. 6-man tag - Cena, Reigns and Ambrose vs. Triple H, Rollins and Ryback
What a main event! Triple H calls his group "The Industry." Nice name. The Industry then took their time hurting Ambrose on the outside. Ryback hit Dean with the backpack stunner and the meat hook clothesline. Dean tagged in Reigns, who hit H with the Superman punch. Cena rolled away of the Phoenix Splash and then kicked out of the Pedigree. Reigns speared Rollins. Cena and H hit their finishers. Rollins busted Cena open with the Curb Stomp! Ryback pinned Cena with a press slam and mat hook clothesline.

Oh. My. God. What a main event! So much back and forth. The Industry are here to stay.

Recap: I'm still amazed at that 6-man tag. Zayn/Balor vs. Corbin/Owens was good, too.

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