Tuesday, November 24, 2015

June Week 4, Year 1

Match 1. Lucha Dragons vs. Kidd and Cesaro
This should be good. Kalisto hit Kidd with the Hara-Kiri. Cesaro landed a half nelson suplex. Kalisto came back with a reverse hurricanrana. Sin Cara came in and wore down Cesaro some more. The Dragons hit Cesaro with a one-arm powerbomb/twisting diving elbow combination. They hit Kidd with the same move and won.

Good tag team action. The Lucha Dragons got their win back from late April.

Match 2. The Wyatt Family vs. Enzo Amore and Colin Cassady

Match 3. Paige vs. Natalya vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Bo Dallas vs. Bad News Barrett
Two heels nipping at the chance for a US or NXT title shot. Barrett clotheslined Bo out of the ring. Bo landed a back breaker. Back in the ring, Barrett came back and hit the Winds of Change and a German suplex. Bo kicked out of the Bull Hammer. Bo finished the match with a double-arm DDT.

Nice match for the two upper mid-carders. Bo is on a roll after 2 wins over Lesnar, too.

Match 5. Randy Orton vs. Fit Finlay
Wow. The champ lost.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Sting vs. Kevin Owens
This is a big match for all three men. Surprised it's not at a PPV. Owens threw Lesnar out of the ring. Sting followed and brawl began. Lesnar slammed Owens down and then stomped on Sting. Back in the ring, Owens hit Sting with the pop-up powerbomb. Lesnar busted Sting open. Sting was in control, taking out both Lesnar and Owens. Owens threw Sting into the corner and hit Lesnar with the Package Piledriver to win.

Fight. Owens. Fight. What a war. These three men hate each other.

Match 1. Ric Flair vs. Shane McMahon
The Nature Boy and the Boy Wonder. Flair threw Shane into the announce table and back into the ring. He then landed his knee drop and got a two count. Shane landed his punches and then the Coast-to-Coast dropkick, but Flair kicked out. Shane countered a suplex and rolled Flair up to win.

Decent match. Shane picked up a nice win over a legend.

Match 2. Dallas Page vs. The Miz

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Cameron

Match 4. Prime Time Players vs. New Day

Match 5. The Undertaker vs. Kevin Nash
They're calling him Kevin Nash, but he's wearing Diesel attire. Nash countered an early chokeslam attempt. Nash sent Taker to the outside. Taker busted Nash open. Nash took apart the announce table. Taker threw him back into the ring, hit a huge Tombstone and won.

Match 6. Elimination - Seth Rollins and Ryback vs. Rikishi and Haku
After their win last week, Rikishi and Haku get a shot at The Industry. Ryback hit Rikishi with a front suplex. Rollins landed some kicks, but Rikishi sent him to the outside. Ryback landed a huge super back suplex on Haku. Haku came back with a piledriver. Rollins landed a frog splash and a second-rope senton. Ryback eliminated Haku after a meat hook clothesline. Rollins busted Rikishi open with a super kick. Ryback then hit two Shell Shocks and won,

The Industry continues to dominate. Rollins/Ryback make a good team.

Recap: Next up, Money in the Bank. Who will walk out with a guaranteed title shot?

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