Wednesday, November 25, 2015

July Week 1, Year 1

Match 1. Jake Roberts vs. Dolph Ziggler

Match 2. Damien Sandow vs. Ken Shamrock vs. William Regal
All three of these men are trying to move up in the rankings. Sandow took down Shamrock and then grabbed a sledgehammer. Shamrock threw Sandow out of the ring, and Regal followed. Regal hit Shamrock with a German suplex. Shamrock caught Regal with a standing hurricanrana. Sandow threw Shamrock out and pinned Regal to win.

Sneaky Sandow. Good triple threat.

Match 3. Paige vs. Brie Bella

Match 4. Kidd and Cesaro vs. The Dudleyz
Bubba landed with a spine buster and powerbomb. Kidd took out D-Von and then hit a moonsault. Kidd blocked D-Von's attack and landed a jumping hurricanrana. Bubba hit another sit-out powerbomb, but Kidd kicked out. Kidd hit a double foot stomp from the top. He came back with a German suplex and Bubba Cutter. Kidd hit D-Von with Code Blue and won.

Match 5. Brock Lesnar vs. Hideo Itami
Two of the competitors from the MITB ladder match.

Match 6. Daniel Bryan vs. Edge
Two more Superstars from the ladder match. Bryan landed two knees to the gut and then his signature kicks. Bryan had him in the Yes Lock, but Edge was too close to the ropes. Bryan kicked out of the Edge-O-Matic and hit a diving elbow drop. Edge busted Bryan open with a sidewinder and connected with the spear, but Bryan powered out. Edge dodged a diving dropkick and rolled Bryan up to win.

Match 1. Sheamus vs. Neville vs. The Miz
The new IC champ is put to the test early. Sheamus and Neville were working together easrly and often. Miz caught a Neville with a big boot. Sheamus hit Miz wth a rolling senton and then targeted Neville. Neville caught Miz with a moonsault, then a standing 450 splash. Sheamus landed White Noise on Miz. Neville threw Sheamus out of the ring and hit Miz with the Red Arrow to win.

The smallest man in the match gets a big win. Sheamus did most of the work. The champ wasn't pinned.

Match 2. The New Day vs. The Usos

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Stephanie McMahon
Does McMahon still have it? Steph connected with a dropkick and hard slap right away. Nikki came back with a dropkick of her own. Steph landed a spine buster, shades of her husband, Triple H. She hit the Pedigree, but Nikki kicked out. Nikki hit the Bella Buster, but got a 2 count. Steph kicked out of an Alabama Slam. She hit a second spine buster and Pedigree to win.

The Million Dollar Princess still has it. She held her own against the Divas champion.

Match 4. Dallas Page vs. Adam Rose

Match 5. Ryback and Seth Rollins vs. Rikishi and Haku
Second time's the charm? Nope.

Match 6. Triple H vs. John Cena
Just noticed that their respective partners fought earlier. Cena landed a huge superplex and then the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Moments later, Cena caught H with the AA, but got a 2 count. A little later, he hit a second 5 Knuckle Shuffle. H blocked the AA. Cena landed a belly-to-belly suplex. He was going for a suplex, but H kicked Cena below the belt and got himself disqualified.

Interesting tactic by Triple H. I guess The Game wasn't looking for the win tonight.

Recap: We finally had some rivalry matches. About time. Kidd/Cesaro vs. Dudleyz was great. Stephanie looked good in her first match in a while.

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