Saturday, November 7, 2015

NXT TakeOver: Arrival, Year 1

Here it is. NXT's first event. We will know who the champions are when this show is over.

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Bo Dallas - NXT United States Championship
Bo threw Dolph shoulder first into the steel post. Ziggler came back with a super kick and locked Bo in a sleeper hold. Bo threw Dolph out of the ring and then kicked his head into the steel post. Bo then went to the top and landed a huge diving elbow. Bo landed a belly-to-belly and won.

What? All that fighting and he won with a belly-to-belly? Just got to Bo-lieve.

Match 2. Paige vs. Emma - NXT Women's Championship
Paige was in control for the first few minutes. She connected with the Paige Turner. She then hit Ram-Paige, but Emma kicked out at the last possible moment. Emma tried making a comeback, but Paige kept halting it. Paige won with a double underhook German suplex and bridge.

Match 3. Wyatt Family vs. The Ascension - NXT Tag Team Championship
This is going to be a war. Harper and Rowan beat down Viktor. Viktor was able to break free and tag in Konnor. Viktor and Rowan fought on the outside. The Ascension hit Harper with the Fall of Man, but Rowan broke up the pin. Harper and Rowan hit Konnor with the 3D and won.

Match 4. Cactus Jack vs. Baron Corbin
Old vs. New. Corbin threw Jack against the ropes and hit a big boot. He later hit a front suplex. On the outside, Corbin landed a back suplex and threw Jack back into the ring. Cactus had Corbin in the corner and landed a running knee. He almost won with the spike piledriver. Jack kicked out of the End of Days. Jack hit a second running knee and won.

I thought Corbin had it, but I guess not. Cactus Jack is one tough cookie.

Match 5. Sting vs. Bray Wyatt
The two were tied up against the ropes. The ref separated them, but Bray slapped Sting. Bray focused on the head and neck area. Sting caught Bray with a guillotine over the second rope. Sting picked up Bray and hit the Tombstone Piledriver! What?! Sting hit 3 clotheslines and the Stinger Splash. Bray hit Sister Abigail, but Sting kicked out. He hit a second one and got the win.

The Eater of Worlds wins. What was with Sting and the Tombstone though?

Match 6. Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar
The Demon vs. The Beast. Brock came out of the gate firing on all cylinders. Balor got some separation with a heel kick. Brock was quickly back on offense with a tiger suplex. Balor threw Lesnar to the apron and knocked him off with a springboard dropkick. Balor kicked out of 3 German suplexes and an F5. Lesnar hit a second F5 and won.

Balor put up a fight, but he couldn't conquer the beast. Great match.

Main Event. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Owens - NXT Championship
Orton and Owens traded moves early. Owens had Orton on the outside and threw him into the steps. They were back in the ring and Orton took control. Owens kicked out of an RKO. Owens then hit the cannonball splash in the corner, and later a pop-up powerbomb. Orton stomped all over Owens...and won.

Wow. What an underwhelming main event.

Recap: That was a good first TakeOver event. It's only the beginning. We haven't seen the last of Balor/Lesnar.

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