Wednesday, February 3, 2016

November Week 4, Year 1

Match 1. Dolph Ziggler vs. Bo Dallas vs. Rusev

Match 2. Elimination - Tyson Kidd and Cesaro vs. The Vaudevillains
Aiden got a near fall after a clutch slam. The Vaudevillains hit Cesaro with the Whirley Dervish, but Kidd broke up the pin. They then hit Kidd with a Samoan drop/senton bomb combo, but got another near fall. Cesaro caught Gotch with the Very European uppercut and eliminated him. Kidd landed an STO and a double foot stomp from the top. Aiden landed a northern lights suplex and pinned Kidd. After much back and forth, Cesaro hit the Neutralizer and won.

Match 3. Asuka vs. Natalya
Brie Bella distracted Asuka during the match.

Match 4. Damien Sandow vs. Jack Swagger

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Edge
Owens cost Edge a shot at the NXT title after Edge eliminated Owens in the first round. Owens quickly hit a clothesline and senton splash. The two traded big boots. Edge pinned Owens, but Kevin grabbed the ropes and the ref saw it this time. After a gut buster, Edge took apart the announce table. Owens came back with a package side slam. Edge came back with a face buster and spear to get the win.

 Edge won this time fair and square. Owens is probably still not happy.

Match 6. Finals - Baron Corbin vs. Brock Lesnar
The winner faces Finn Balor at Survivor Series. Lesnar almost took Corbin's head off with a clothesline. Lesnar countered a suplex and landed a German suplex. He later hit a butterfly suplex. Corbin fought back with kicks to the head and gut. He then hit a powerbomb and back suplex. Corbin landed a front suplex and got a near fall. He connected with the End of Days, but Lesnar kicked out. Lesnar fought back and hit 3 German suplexes. Corbin hit a second End of Days to win.

Wow. Great main event. Corbin conquered The Beast. He gets a title shot.

Match 1. Dallas Page vs. Rick Rude

Match 2. Chris Jericho vs. Brian Pillman vs. The Miz

Match 3. Seth Rollins and Ryback vs. The Usos
The Usos wore down Rollins early. Ryback hit Jey with the backpack stunner and a back breaker on the outside. Rollins and Ryback hit a snapmare and running boot combo. Jey connected with a super kick on Ryback. Rollins pushed Jimmy off the top and Ryback hit a meat hook clothesline and Shell Shock, but got a 2 count. Jimmy came back with a diving headbutt. Rollins hit Jimmy with an STO into the corner and a frog splash to win.

Great tag match. The Industry is looking stronger than ever.

Match 4. The United Kingdom vs. The Nation

Match 5. Steve Austin, Taker, Booker T vs. Triple H, Mark Henry, Tyler Breeze
Or we get this match this week...Taker busted Henry open. Breeze finally came in and went after Taker. Booker countered the Pedigree and hit the scissors kick, but got a near fall. Breeze hit Booker with the Supermodel Kick. Austin hit Breeze with the Stunner. Booker got the hot tag and took out H with a scissors kick and everything broke down. H countered the Tombstone and hit the spine buster and Pedigree. Taker hit Old School. Austin wore down H on the outside and rolled him in to win.

Oh my. What a long match. I should have adjusted the momentum. H's B-team didn't cut it.

Match 6. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle
Michaels entered the ring, but Angle attacked him before he could get all the way in. He then hit his three German suplexes and an Angle Slam, but Michaels kicked out. Wow! HBK made a comeback with a flying forearm smash and atomic drop. After a belly-to-back, Angle locked in a head scissors and made Michaels tap.

After the match, Angle grabbed a chair and hit Michaels multiple times.

Angle's cheap shot didn't make this a fair match. We should see the conclusion at Survivor Series.

Match 1. Wade Barrett vs. Heath Slater

Match 2. Santino Marella vs. Bo Dallas vs. Damien Sandow

Match 3. Braun Strowman vs. Fandango

Recap: Balor/Corbin at Survivor Series for the title. SmackDown has some interesting feuds, especially Angle/Michaels and the gang warfare with The Industry.

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