Monday, February 8, 2016

December Week 2, Year 1

Match 1. Cactus Jacks vs. Damien Sandow

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Asuka - NXT Women's Championship
Brie landed a flying forearm smash. Asuka connected with two German suplexes. She landed a hip attack in the corner. After a moment on the outside, Asuka landed a spin kick and running boot. She then landed a sick combination of kicks and won with the Asuka lock.

Asuka was dominant in this match. Brie got some offense, but nothing significant.

Match 3. Paige vs. Summer Rae

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Ricky Steamboat
Week 2 of Owens' path of destruction.

Match 5. Enzo and Cass vs. Cesaro and Kidd
Kidd and Cesaro worked over Enzo in the early going. Enzo tried building momentum, but kept getting cut off. He broke free and got the tag to Cass. He hit a squating suplex on Kidd. He got a near fall after a superplex. Cesaro hit Enzo with a half-and-half suplex and locked in a crossface. The champs wore down Cesaro. Cass hit a big boot and got a near fall. Cass destroyed Cesaro with four straight powerslams. They then hit Air Enzo on Kidd to win.

Great tag match. Both teams have great chemistry. This could be a fun feud later.

Match 6. Brock Lesnar vs. Sami Zayn
Lesnar countered a suplex into a German suplex. He then hit a double underhook suplex and gutwrench slam. After an armbar attempt, he hit another German suplex. He threw Zayn chest first into the corner and hit a German suplex. Lesnar landed three more German suplexes moments later. Zayn somehow still had the will to fight. He hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and Blue Thunder Bomb. Lesnar hit a powerbomb and an F5, but Zayn kicked out. Zayn hit a half-and-half suplex and went to the top, but Lesnar caught him with a second F5 to win.

Wow. Lesnar connected with seven different suplexes. I give credit to Zayn for sticking it out.

Match 1. Ryback vs. Chris Jericho w/ Booker T
Ryback clotheslined Jericho over the top and slammed him on the steel ramp. After a side slam, he locked in the Walls of Jericho. Ryback connected with the backpack stunner and meat hook clothesline. After a near fall, he hit Shell Shock and got a near fall. The two went back and forth, including a Codebreaker from Jericho. Ryback won with a second meat hook clothesline.

Ryback wants his IC title back and is targeting the man who beat him and the current champ.

Match 2. Tyler Breeze vs. Dallas Page

Match 3. Sheamus vs. Batista
These two big men are looking to move up the ranks for Triple H's title. Batista hit a twisting side slam and a back suplex. Sheamus came back with a rolling senton and White Noise. The match spilled to the outside as Batista threw Sheamus into the steel post. Batista got a close pin after a forearm smash. He later hit a super back suplex and spear. He later won with the Batista Bomb.

Batista was physical early and often. The Animal wants the title back.

Match 4. Ultimate Warrior vs. Dean Ambrose
Mark Henry attacked Ambrose before the match.

Match 5. Stone Cold vs. Kevin Nash
Nash looked good early with a neck breaker and double foot stomp. He took Austin down with a drop toe hold. Who is this guy and where is the real Nash? Austin hit a huge atomic drop and sent Nash to the outside. Nash went to the top rope, but missed a diving elbow. Austin hit a superplex and Lou Thesz Press. Nash connected with a knockout punch. Austin planted Nash with a DDT and Stunner, but got a two count. Nash got a near fall after the Jackknife. Austin landed a piledriver and won.

The two veterans pulled out some new moves. Austin is sending a message to Trips and The Industry.

Match 6. Kurt Angle vs. Shawn Michaels
The two brawled on the ramp before the match began.

Match 1. Ken Shamrock vs. Wade Barrett

Match 2. Dudley Boyz vs. The Wyatt Family

Match 3. Randy Savage vs. Dallas Page

Recap: Who is next for Kevin Owens? Austin is gunning for Triple H. Kurt Angle is getting the best of The Showstopper. Henry is doing The Industry's dirty work.

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