Friday, February 26, 2016

January Week 4, Year 1

This is the go-home week for the Royal Rumble. Let's get hyped!

Match 1. The Dudleyz vs. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
Kidd hit Bubba with a huge back suplex. He later hit an STO into the corner. Cesaro hit D-Von with a German suplex. He later hit Bubba with one. Bubba got a near fall with a leg drop. The Dudleyz hit Cesaro with the Wassup. Cesaro came back with the Very European uppercut to D-Von. He then hit the Neutralizer, but got a two count. D-Von hit Saving Grace, but Kidd broke it up. Cesaro landed a super belly-to-back suplex and a second uppercut to win.

Kidd and Cesaro will get a tag title shot at the Rumble. Can Cesaro be a dual champion?

Match 2. Asuka vs. Brie Bella
After a few lock ups, Brie took down Asuka. Asuka landed a clothesline and a German suplex. She got a near fall after a reverse DDT. She connected with multiple kicks. Asuka threw Brie up in the air and connected with a superkick on the way down. She landed a super belly-to-back. She landed more kicks and won.

Brie went to attack Asuka from behind, but Asuka caught her and threw her out of the ring.

This was Asuka dominating her challenger. It was very one-sided.

Match 3. Paige vs. Summer Rae

Match 4. Rumble Qualify - Damien Sandow vs. Ken Shamrock

Match 5. Bret Hart vs. Rusev

Match 6. Battle Royal - Orton vs. Rock vs. Sting vs. Edge vs. Corbin vs. Wade Barrett
A little preview of the Royal Rumble. Orton had Rock on the apron early, but Rocky came back. Corbin blocked an elimination attempt from Sting. Barrett hit Edge with a slam and back breaker. Rock landed a Samoan drop on Orton. Edge punched Barrett off the apron for the first elimination. Sting hit Corbin with a Tombstone. Sting clotheslined Rock off the apron and eliminated him. Orton eliminated Corbin. Edge eliminated Sting. Rated-RKO final two. They went back and forth with elimination attempts. Orton shoved Edge off the apron to win.

This could happen on Sunday at the Royal Rumble.

Match 1. Ultimate Warrior vs. The Miz

Match 2. John Cena vs. Kurt Angle
Angle had a reverse waist lock and hit an overhead belly-to-belly. Cena came back with a back suplex. They then went back and forth for a bit. Cena took Angle down with a snapmare and then hit the 5 Knuckle Shuffle. Angle came off the ropes and landed another suplex. Angle planted Cena with a DDT. He dove off the top, but Cena got up, caught him and hit the AA. He won after a second 5 Knuckle Shuff and an AA.

Angle kept Cena grounded, but took a big risk which led to his demise.

Match 3. Nikki Bella vs. Tamina

Match 4. Neville vs. Kofi Kingston
This should be fun. Kofi suplexed Neville from the apron to the ring. Neville hit a back suplex. Kofi took some kicks and landed a standing hurricanrana. He followed it up with a heel kick. He hit a second hurricanrana. Neville hit a cutter and standing moonsault. Neville landed forearms to the back and a dropkick before rolling Kofi up to win.

Neville put his hand out, but Kofi slapped it away and left.

This was a fun, quick match. Can't wait for the title match.

Match 5. Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry

Match 6. Kane vs. Roman Reigns
Kane stomped on Reigns and then hit him with a big boot. After an uppercut, he landed a big powerbomb. Reigns landed a corner splash and clothesline, but Kane cut him off. Reigns grabbed Kane between the legs and hit three consecutive slams. He hit the Superman punch, but Kane kicked out. He then tossed Kane up and hit a spear, but Kane kicked out again. He later hit a belly-to-belly and a second Superman punch, but got a near fall. Reigns hit a second spear and won.

Reigns looked strong and is a favorite entering the Rumble.

Match 1. The Usos vs. The Nation

Match 2. Curtis Axel vs. Wade Barrett vs. Dallas Page

Match 3. The Dudleyz vs. Lucha Dragons.

Recap: Yes, I know Kevin Owens didn't have his weekly match. Rumble build took over. It'll resume next week. Here we go, 30 men and just one winner.

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