Wednesday, February 10, 2016

NXT TakeOver: R-Evolution

Even with only two title matches, this is one of the best cards NXT has put together.

Match 1. Cactus Jack vs. Rusev vs. Cesaro - NXT United States Championship
This should be a war. Cesaro hit Cactus with a super butterfuly suplex. He then got a near fall on Rusev with a gut wrench slam. The match spilled to the outside. Cesaro hit Cactus with straightjacket powerbomb. The three traded big moves and made many pin attempts. Cesaro hit Rusev with a German suplex and Very European uppercut. Cactus hit Rusev with a super back suplex. Cesaro pinned Cactus after a huge uppercut.

Cesaro is the new US champ. This was an amazing match. How will Tyson Kidd react to this?

Match 2. Asuka vs. Brie Bella
Why isn't Brie envoking her rematch clause? Asuka locked in an arm bar early. Brie connected with a huge spin kick to the head. Asuka blocked a kick and hit a kick to the back of her head. Brie hit a running bulldog and second-rope dropkick. She then DDT'd Asuka onto the apron. After a back suplex, Asuka locked in the Asuka Lock, but Brie escaped. Brie hit the Bella Buster and won.

Brie defeated the champ and will get her title shot soon.

Match 3. Sami Zayn vs. Hideo Itami vs. Edge vs. Tyson Kidd
Oh my God! If Kidd Hideo sent Zayn to the outside and slammed him on the ramp. Tyson hit Edge with a couple of suplexes. Edge pulled out a bat, but Kidd took it away. Zayn caught Edge off the top and hit a back breaker. He then hit a senton bomb. Itami hit Kidd with the GTS, but the ref was accidentally knocked out. Edge speared Zayn and got a near fall. Hideo busted Zayn open with a GTS. Hideo wore down Edge and won after kicks to the chest.

What a 4-way. Hideo is making a case for himself to get a title shot, too.

Match 4. The Dudleyz vs. Chad Gable and Jason Jordan
The Dudleyz called out any team in wrestling to a match. What? American Alpha?! Gable was all over Bubba ealry. He hit a German suplex and dropkick to the jaw. Jordan and D-Von came in and the two had an exchange. Gable and Jordan kept fresh with frequent tags. Jordan hit Bubba with a belly-to-belly and spinning back suplex, but Bubba kicked out. AA then hit D-Von with an atomic drop/big boot combo. D-Von countered Gable's signature and hit Saving Grace to win.

Oh man. American Alpha looked good, but couldn't beat the veteran team. This isn't the last we've seen of them.

Match 5. Kevin Owens vs. Randy Savage
Legend No. 3 on Owens' tour of destruction. Owens came out firing on all cylinders. He hit a shoulder block and float-over DDT before sending Savage to the outside. He then hit a senton bomb from the top to the outside floor. He then threw Savage into the steps and hit the package side slam. Savage couldn't answer the 10 count.

Wow. Owens continues to send a message to everyone in the back. This was a beating.

Match 6. Randy Orton vs. Daniel Bryan
This could essentially be a No. 1 contender's match. Bryan landed a huge German suplex. He countered with a jaw breaker and then an airplane spin. Orton placed Bryan in the corner and hit a neck breaker. Bryan came back with a full nelson suplex and diving elbow. Orton could not build any momentum. Bryan hit a back suplex and knee to the side of the head. Orton hit another back breaker and slowed the match down. Orton hit a twisting back suplex and stomps before winning with an RKO.

Great match. Bryan had control early, but Orton came back and pulled out the win.

Main Event. Finn Balor vs. Brock Lesnar - NXT Championship
The Demon and The Beast II. Lesnar landed a half nelson suplex and mounted punches. He landed a fall away slam and powerbomb. Balor tried fighting back, but Lesnar locked in another arm bar. He then hit three German suplexes. Balor hit a front slam and began his comeback. He hit two forearm smashes and hesitation dropkick. Lesnar hit another suplex and F5, but Balor kicked out. He later hit a super German suplex and won. Oh my God!

The Beast is back on top. Good luck to the next challenger.

Recap: This was a great show. A new United States champion, a new tag team debuted and a new NXT champion. Great stuff.

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