Wednesday, February 24, 2016

January Week 3, Year 1

Match 1. Tyson Kidd and Cesaro vs. Enzo and Cass

Match 2. Brie Bella vs. Natalya
Asuka appeared on stage and she and Brie had to be separated.

Match 3. Paige vs. Emma
Emma tossed Paige over the ropes and elbowed her. She shook off a fisherman suplex and slapped Paige across the face. Emma had Paige in the tree of woe and then hit a reverse DDT. Paige hit a fall away slam and then seductively crawling on top of Emma before hitting three headbutts. Emma kicked out of the Paige Turner and the Ram-Paige. She later hit a second Paige Turner to win.

Emma got some offense in early, but this was Paige's time to shine.

Match 4. Kevin Owens vs. Mr. Perfect
Can Curt Hennig ruin Owens' perfect record? Hennig caught Owens with a power slam off the ropes. Owens landed a German suplex. Hennig it a snap suplex and snapmare/elbow drop combos. Hennig kept the pressure on Owens. Owens hit the package side slam. After another snap suplex, Hennig hit the Perfect-Plex, but Owens kicked out. Owens hit a pump handle neck breaker and a belly-to-back suplex. After a German suplex, Owens won with the pop-up powerbomb.

Mr. Perfect looked good, but Owens continues to roll. The matchups are getting tougher, though.

Match 5. Cactus Jack vs. Edge

Match 6. Rumble Qualify - Daniel Bryan vs. Bray Wyatt vs. Finn Balor vs. Sami Zayn
This match has similar rules to the 4-way from SmackDown; just replace it with the NXT title. Bray pulled out a sledgehammer, but Zayn took it away, Bryan hit Balor with a butterfly and a half-and-half suplexes. He then landed his kicks.Balor came back with the shotgun dropkick. Zayn hit Bray with the Blue Thunder Bomb. Balor connected with Coup de Grace. He followed it up with a diving elbow and Slingblade. He hit Bray with a reverse and regular Bloody Sunday. He hit a double foot stomp in the corner. Zayn ht Bray with an exploder suplex and top-rope splash. Balor busted Bryan open with a Codebreaker and won with the Coup de Grace.

Balor easily chooses the NXT title match. The Demon vs. The Beast II.

Match 1. Rikishi and Haku vs. Gold and Stardust
Stardust easily lifted Rikishi up for an Alabama Slam. He then sent Haku to the outside. Stardust caught Rikishi with a power slam. Rikishi landed a Samoan drop on the outside. Stardust hit a super reverse DDT. Goldust hit the Curtain Call, but Haku broke it up. Stardust hit Haku with Dark Matter, but got a two count. Goldust landed a Curtain Call to win.

Good opening tag match. Gold and Starust want another title shot.

Match 2. Rumble Qualify - Dallas Page vs. The Miz

Match 3. Ultimate Warrior vs. Vader

Match 4. British Bulldog vs. Big E

Match 5. Tyler Breeze vs. Mark Henry
Hmm. Industry members pitted against each other. Ambrose definitely has to be involved somehow. And that's what happened. Ambrose attacked Henry from behind and had to be pulled off by security. Ambrose threw Henry into the ring and Breeze busted Henry with stomps to the head. Breeze continued to take advantage of the attack. Henry hit a super fall away slam. Breeze hit the Supermodel kick and won with the Beauty Shot.

I wonder how this is going to go with The Industry. Ambrose made a big statement.

Match 6. Stone Cold and Roman Reigns vs. Triple H and Seth Rollins
Rollins hit Austin with a full nelson suplex. Trips then hit a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. Reigns came in and Trips was ready for him. He hit a back suplex and gut buster. Austin caught Rollins with strikes and a neck breaker. They then hit a double DDT. H wore down his neck and head. He got a near fall after a spine buster. He hit the Pedigree, but Reigns broke up the pin at the last second. Reigns hit the spear, but H kicked out. Trips came back with a Pedigree. He then hit a sit-out powerbomb from the corner and won.

This is another nail in the coffin for those rebelling against The Industry.

Match 1. Santino Marella vs. Tyler Breeze

Match 2. Fandango vs. Xavier Woods

Match 3. Wade Barrett vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Recap: Another great week heading into the Royal Rumble. There are 11 confirmed for the Rumble match.

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